Heating cutting method of the invention discloses a temperature controllable, machining, parts to be processed according to the ring material, check the parts of the minimum tempering temperature T0; outer ring or inner ring surface machining, measuring ring parts of the outer ring or inner ring surface of the chip temperature and the use of T1; the heating device for heating of ring parts of the inner or outer ring, the inner or outer ring of heating to the heating temperature of T2 ring parts; T2< ensure the cutting process, T0, and that of the inner and outer ring temperature difference |T1 30 DEG T2|<. The heating device can be used for heating the inner and outer rings of the parts in the chip cutting process, so as to properly control the heating temperature, so as to reduce the temperature difference between the inner and outer rings, thereby improving the residual stress of the bearing surface. The invention also provides a heating cutting device with simple structure and convenient operation, which uses the incremental PID algorithm to control the heating device to realize the temperature control of the heating device.
汽車、高鐵、模具和核電等領域的軸承、傳動軸、輪箍、沖模等重要構件工作時承受熱載荷和交變應力,易產生疲勞破壞。這是由于零件加工表面狀態直接影響其靜態強度、疲勞強度、抗腐蝕性、耐磨性、尺寸穩定性及電磁性能等。現代制造裝備業對齒輪軸、傳動軸以及螺紋軸等軸類零件的可靠性和使用壽命的要求越來越高,這些零件大都承受著復雜交變應力的作用,有些還處于沖擊、振動和嚴重腐蝕性環境中工作,在實踐應用中常發現其表面和螺紋部分萌生疲勞裂紋,進而導致零件疲勞失效而造成嚴重的事故。因此對加工表面狀態和加工表面質量的研究,一直成為切削領域的專家和學者的研究熱點。理論研究與實際應用的結果表明,通過控制或調整已加工表面的應力狀態,獲得合適的殘余壓應力,可提高零件的疲勞強度和耐腐蝕性。國內外很多研究者試圖從刀具角度優化和改變切削、磨削參數來獲得加工表面殘余壓應力。為了獲得殘余壓應力分布并消除殘余拉應力的不利影響,軸類零件在實際使用前常常進行表面殘余應力的調控。從調控工序時間上來看,目前調整殘余應力的方法主要分為兩類:一類是切削加工后通過表面壓延或增加表面密度等方法來控制,如噴丸、滾壓和滲碳滲氮以及表面涂層等,這些方法除了成本昂貴使得中小型企業往往難以承擔,以及一些零件(如螺紋軸)無法實施外,還可能引起額外的表面硬化,降低零件的沖擊韌性;另一類是在切削加工的過程中進行控制,包括采用強冷低溫切削、微量潤滑切削等方法,以及優化切削參數和刀具形狀,然而前者同樣需要昂貴的專用設備,后者由于影響加工表面殘余應力的因 ...