The utility model provides a water swinging proof shoe, including a sole and a vamp, wherein the vamp is arranged on the sole, wherein the sole comprises a buffer part and connected and arranged on the upper part and the lower part of the buffer ground contact abrasion resistant outsole, the wear-resistant outsole comprises a transition surface is arranged on the upper foot tip. And the transition surface is provided with a plurality of guide groove, the guide groove is strip parallel to the ground and walking direction was 90 degrees, the guide groove is provided with a concave cavity of a depression, the cross section of the cavity of the guide channel formed hook, the cavity with the direction toward the shoes and the guide groove number is 3, the utility model is provided with guide groove with cavity in toe part when walking forward, the swinging of the water accumulated in the cavity, when the step down concave cavity of the water by gravity to flow away, so as to prevent the line When the water is thrown onto the vamp, the position is not contacted with the ground during the daily walking, which can effectively prevent the abrasion of the guide groove.
生活中下雨的季節對人們來說不僅僅是出門需要帶傘這一個麻煩,更多的是在走路過程中往往會發生鞋子濕透的情況,而導致鞋子濕透的原因要么是一不小心踩到水坑,另一個則是在走路過程中,每次邁步會促使粘附與鞋底的水隨著步伐向鞋尖甩動,在邁步停止準備往下踩的瞬間,水由于慣性會順著鞋尖向上甩起落到鞋面上,雖然每次甩起飛濺至鞋面上的水數量不多,但隨著行走的距離增長,落到鞋面的水會逐漸積聚滲入鞋面內側。中國專利CN 201520179771.1公開了一種防濺水鞋,包括鞋體和鞋底,所述前鞋底和后鞋底上均設有彈性吸水部,所述彈性吸水部朝向地面一側設有耐磨層。本技術的防濺水鞋,通過彈性吸水部的設置就可以有效的防止出現濺水的問題,而通過耐磨層的設置就可以有效的避免彈性吸水部磨損導致的鞋子防濺水能力下降的問題。上述專利雖然可以解決鞋子的防濺水問題,但該專利采用的是彈性吸水部吸收附著于鞋尖處的水,但腳尖這個部位在平時走路過程中時常受到撞擊及摩擦,因此隨著時間的推移彈性吸水部很容易在受到多次的壓縮后會失去自身的彈性,同時在使用過程中,含有泥沙的水會對彈性吸水部的吸水能力產生影響,因此該專利的防濺水效果及壽命不佳。
基于上述問題,本技術目的在于提供一種防甩水鞋子,具有壽命長,耐磨,特殊的結構使得鞋底美觀性不受影響,防濺水效果佳的特點。針對以上問題,提供了如下技術方案:一種防甩水鞋子,包括鞋底與鞋面,所述鞋面設置于鞋底上,所述鞋底包括與鞋面相接的緩沖部及設置于緩沖部下方與地面相接觸的耐磨大底,所述耐磨大底包括設置于鞋面腳尖處的過渡面 ...