The utility model relates to a gas burning lime kiln ignition device comprises an end cover, ignition and ignition of gas pipe, which is characterized in that the inner diameter and the cover of the kiln burning out of the outer diameter of the sleeve kiln outside the corresponding, the end cover is also provided with a kiln burner and peep tube diameter corresponding the hole is sheathed in the ignition ignition gas through the end cap sleeve and extends into the central shaft kiln burner, bottled gas through the gas fire hose and fire gas sleeve is connected with the electromagnetic valve, the portable ignition control box through the high-voltage cable and electrically connected with the ignition gun. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, can be used repeatedly, using only a very small amount of bottled gas fire, ignited the gas to the gas in the kiln process of ignition, ignition is simple in operation, safe and reliable, short time, low labor intensity, low energy consumption, environmental pollution and other significant technical and economic advantages of small.
周邊燒嘴式氣體燃料石灰豎窯(以下簡稱氣燒窯)由于能夠利用低熱值純高爐煤氣,窯的一次性爐齡較回轉窯、套筒窯、并流蓄熱雙膛窯要長,設備運轉率高、運行費用低、噸產品投資小等優勢,仍是鋼鐵工業生產冶金石灰的主要窯型之一。氣燒窯的工作原理是把具有一定塊度的石灰石從窯的頂部加入,由于重力的作用,物料自上而下移動,煅燒好的石灰由窯底出灰機卸出,燃料氣及其燃燒所需要的空氣(一次助燃風)從窯的中部噴入窯內,豎窯中物料與氣體相向流動,物料自上落下,氣體自下而上,所以它是一個逆流式的熱交換裝置。氣燒窯建筑高度在35m左右,有效高度在22m左右,內徑2~4m,在窯體中下部共設有上下兩排燒嘴,每排各安裝有10個沿窯體周邊均勻布置的套筒式燒嘴,同排相鄰兩燒嘴間的夾角為36°,上下排相鄰兩燒嘴間錯角18°。燃料氣和一次助燃空氣從窯體周邊煤氣環管和空氣環管中經均勻布置的20個套筒式燒嘴噴入窯內,燃料氣和助燃空氣進入窯內進行混合、燃燒后生成的高溫火焰對石灰石進行焙燒分解。新砌筑或長時間停產冷卻后的氣燒窯開爐點火時需將大量的軟、硬木柴和少量廢柴油、廢棉紗等引火材料搬運至位于上排燒嘴上方的點火平臺處;在窯內投入6~8噸焦炭至窯底出灰機風帽以上200~300mm(保護出灰機),然后裝石灰石15~20噸;再從點火平臺處的煅燒帶人孔加入軟木柴100~150kg,硬木柴500~700kg,再加入軟木柴50~100kg和少量廢棉紗;在墊好的底柴上澆20~25kg廢柴油,將點著的火把從人孔投入爐內,待火旺后再人工投入硬木柴 ...