The utility model discloses a PCCP pipe core vertical pouring fast homogenizing device, which relates to the field of mechanical equipment. It comprises a top rod, a uniform material cone, also includes an attachment type pneumatic vibrator and a partition board, the attachment type pneumatic vibrator attached to the inner wall of the cylinder are cone; a lifting lug is positioned on the lower part of the push rod, the push rod and the bottom end of the cone are material the cone top connection; the outer wall of the partition plate is evenly distributed in the homogenizing cone, a telescopic slot is located on the central partition plate, the length of edges is concave convex staggered cone bottom outer edge of the material are distributed on the cone. The utility model overcomes the defects of the prior art that the labor cost is high, the pouring efficiency is low, and the product quality can not be guaranteed. The product has the advantages of high quality, labor saving and high efficiency.
預應力鋼筒混凝土管(簡稱PCCP即Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe)是一種具有高強度、高抗滲性和高密封性的復合型管材,其集合了薄鋼板、高強混凝土、高強預應力鋼絲、高強砂漿和橡膠密封圈等原輔材料制造而成。該管道尤其適用于大口徑、高工壓和高覆土供水工程。目前,國內大口徑PCCP管普遍采用埋置式預應力鋼筒混凝土管,指由鋼筒和鋼筒內、外兩側混凝土層組成管芯并在管芯混凝土外側纏繞環向預應力鋼絲,然后制作水泥砂漿保護層而制成的管子。PCCP管芯澆筑成型按照其型號特點分為兩種主要生產工藝型式:一種為臥式離心成型工藝,是指用臥式旋轉模具制造管芯的方法。在高速旋轉的模具內產生離心力將注入的混凝土壓密成型。這種工藝主要用于小口徑管芯澆筑成型(一般為內徑小于1200mm),采用人工往模具里加料。由于管徑小,且采用人工加料、依靠離心力成型,管芯混凝土成型質量難以保證,目前應用較少。另一種為立式振搗成型工藝,是指用立式內外模制造管芯,混凝土由振搗棒或附著式振搗器搗實成型。一般大口徑PCCP管芯采用立式振搗成型(一般為內徑大于1200mm)。目前,PCCP管芯澆筑成型普遍采用立式振搗成型工藝。立式澆筑成型需采用均料裝置加料,現有的PCCP管芯混凝土澆筑快速均料裝置存在如下缺點:(1)均料裝置邊緣全部立于內模邊緣上,只能等內模與鋼筒之間空隙混凝土澆筑完成之后,再自行溢出或用人工輔助,挖到鋼筒與外模之間的空隙,浪費人工。鋼筒一般較長,長達5m,內模澆筑完成后,再澆 ...