Field test device for detecting oil and gas pipeline internal corrosion angle, including the first second flange, flange, substrate, ring, hanging, removing sink hole, a base pipe, wherein the device for tube type structure, the base tube ends respectively the first flange and the second flange, the flange has 12 fixed flange mouth you can connect the device to the scene, oil pipelines, the base tube can surround the installation 10 pieces hanging, hanging block arranged at the base plate and the trapezoidal face hanging pieces to be tested on the exposed surface of the trapezoidal face mounting ring substrate and the inner diameter of pipeline field is equal to the inner diameter of hanging piece after, you can not change the tube in field conditions, the corrosion test of 360 annular space in different positions, respectively, and both ends of substrate convex step concave step form, can make each substrate capable of mutually embedded fixed base tube can be loaded 4 The utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that the utility model is characterized in that: 40 annular segments can be arranged in one experiment, and 4 disassembling holes are distributed on each substrate, and the substrate can be conveniently taken out. The detection device overcomes the defects of the existing hanging piece corrosion device, and can meet the practical requirements of corrosion detection, and the installation is simple and convenient.
針對儲層含有CO2和CO2/H2S共存的工況,實驗研究是認識和了解系統的腐蝕因素、制定防腐措施、選擇合理管道材質的基礎。為了較為全面和準確地檢測管道的腐蝕情況,國內外普遍采用懸掛腐蝕掛片的方法進行測試。考慮井下工況復雜,為了防止腐蝕掛片懸掛件在井筒內失效,造成落魚,影響油氣井正常生產作業,應在井口附近、緩釋劑投注點之前的流程上測試,檢測井筒內流體的實際腐蝕情況,同時記錄測試點的溫度、壓力和流速等。腐蝕掛片是片狀金屬塊,材質可以與主工藝管線相同,也可以是其他需要評價的材質。以評價管道材質為目的的現場腐蝕檢測裝置應滿足如下要求:1)測試周期較長,2)能夠同時懸掛多種材質的腐蝕掛片,3)針對同一種材質,能夠懸掛多個平行試樣,4)使腐蝕掛片與腐蝕介質的接觸形式與管道和流體實際的接觸情況一致,5)在管道上安裝腐蝕掛片懸掛裝置后對管道內徑不能產生明顯影響,不改變流體的流速和流態。目前國內外采用的腐蝕掛片懸掛裝置主要包括螺紋連接懸掛件、法蘭懸掛件、帶壓拆裝式懸掛件和可伸縮式懸掛件。螺紋連接懸掛件和法蘭懸掛件在安裝和拆卸腐蝕掛片時需要停輸泄壓,適用場合相對較少。而帶壓拆裝式懸掛件和可伸縮式懸掛件廣泛應用于長期連續運行,不能輕易停產泄壓的場合。帶壓拆裝式懸掛件由保護罩、旋塞式緊固件、高壓承載底座、腐蝕掛片支架等部分組成。在使用過程中,將腐蝕掛片固定在腐蝕掛片支架上面,再將帶有支架的旋塞式緊固件固定在高壓承載底座上。旋塞式緊固件除了可以固定腐蝕掛片支架,還能起到密 ...