The invention discloses an integrated ditching sowing machine structure, comprising a vibration device, a frame, a fertilizer box and a motor, wherein the vibration device and vibration subsoiler is connected above the frame and fixed with a vibration device, the vibration device on the right side of fixed P and K box, the P and K tube fixed on the left side of a vibration subsoiler, wherein a fertilizer tube is arranged on the right side of the seed tube, the right end of the machine frame is provided with a handle, and the frame and a walking wheel through a driving shaft is connected with the tank installed inside the frame of the center position. One machine structure of the ditching sowing, set vibration subsoiler and furrowing blade, sowing at the same time, but also for ditching and fertilizsr, meet the needs of people, set P and K box and a seed box, in the seeding and to give seed fertilization, avoid the people in the second fertilization work, improve the working efficiency, one machine structure and the structure of ditching sowing simple, easy to operate.
中提出的功能單一、結構復雜的問題。為實現上述目的,本專利技術提供如下技術方案:一種開溝播種一體機結構,包括震動裝置、機架、種肥箱和電機,所述震動裝置與震動深松鏟相連接,且機架的上方固定安裝有震動裝置,所述震動裝置的右側固定安裝有磷鉀肥箱,且磷鉀肥箱的下方連接有磷鉀肥管,所述磷鉀肥管的左側固定有震動深松鏟,所述種肥箱的右側固定安裝有種子箱,且種肥箱與種子箱的下方分別安裝有種肥管和種子管,所述種肥管的右側安裝有種子管,所述機架的右端安裝有把手,且機架與行走輪通過驅動軸相連接,所述電機的下方安裝有轉軸,且轉軸的四周固定設置有開溝刀片,所述機架的內側中 ...