A method for bending glass plate in a continuous bending furnace in the furnace, using this method include: a series connection section, this section of a series of at least a few pieces to be equipped for heating glass plate bending by applying heat effect, plate bending cycle for the section in the continuous heating and bending the glass plate; a series of trailers (2) or similar device, they fitted with wheels (3) or other similar transmission, which continued in a conveying path associated with the furnace (18a, 18b) or similar parts; the glass plate bend put and Trailer (2) or similar device related bending mold joint or similar equipment; at the same time, the furnace has a joint conveying mechanism (4), used to make the trailer (2) or A similar device in this furnace also pushed forward along the trailer (2) a section of direction before, for including a bending plate connection in periodic plate bending process; characterized by conveying the trailer or similar device is as follows: the stove is provided with at least two is the essence of conveying components outside the furnace (4, 4b), used to make a delivery mechanism, which actually belongs to each known conveying assembly includes at least one in each Trailer (2) in this trailer mounted on including a bracket (2) in (5) or similar parts on the first the locking member (6), the bracket piece (5) is communicated with the stove outside, the first locking member (6) is located outside the furnace; a conveyor and the locking lever (8), it is basically in tow The car (2) extending direction or similar device, and the same is basically all the common connection operation Trailer (2) is arranged on the stove and lateral alignment; and the second locking member (9), and transport them with the locking lever (8) associated press fixed in the vertical interval the rod set apart, and to those included in the trailer (2) in the first locking member (6) formed a relationship with the transport locking force transfer; The Trailer (2) or similar device can operate through at least one of the transmission components (4a, 4b), and basically along the trailer (2) the direction to a section downstream of the bent plate in the furnace, this is the relationship between the first and second locking member (6, 9) will be a conveying force to at least one delivery assembly (4a, 4 B), releasing the locking member (6, 9), and the conveying component (4a, 4b) of the transport and the locking lever (8) in the following way to return to the starting position, even when returning to work at least one conveying component (4a, 4b) is in the locked position, and included in the transport and the locking lever (8) of the second locking member (9) is returned to a position such that the trailer will be transported to (2) to include this trailer clamp (2) or similar device in the first locking member (6), for the trailer in between the corresponding section (2) or similar device under a transfer operation.
本專利技術涉及一種在連續彎板爐中彎曲玻璃板的方法。用來實施這種方法的爐子包括一系列工段,這些工段中至少有某些個配置有加熱件,以對擬彎曲的玻璃板施加熱效應,以用來加熱和使玻璃板在所述工段中彎曲。此爐子還設有一系列接續排列的拖車或類似的支承裝置,拖車上裝配有輪子或其它類似傳送件,且這些拖車安裝在輸送軌道或類似裝置上。待彎曲的玻璃板受到裝配在所述拖車或類似支承裝置的彎板?;蝾愃破骷С小4藸t子還連帶設有一輸送機構,用來載運這些拖車或類似支承裝置在爐中同時朝拖車的前進方向行進到更遠的一個工段上,以例從事下一道彎板作業。對于先有技術而言,例如可參看芬蘭專利第68390號,其中公開了一種與當前已知技術水平基本一致的方法。具體地說,本專利技術乃是現代生產技術制定的越來越高要求的結果。目前所采用的生產技術要求能更均衡地控制上述這些拖車的運動,同時要求拖車有極其精密的停車精度。特別是不能允許這些拖車于工段中在進行彎曲的周期中發生運動。此外,尤其是輸送機構必須能夠方便地隨時投入工作而不干擾進行中的彎板過程。還特別要求在所述工段上的彎板工序中,拖車有良好的停車精度并能防止拖車發生不受控的運動,這就需要溫度波動所造成的熱膨脹效應一定不得干擾輸送機構的運行或拖車的停車精度。上述問題在先有技術的連續彎板爐中是普遍存在的。這樣,從整體上說,這方面的生產技術遠談不上已受到控制,進而不斷的保持要求在生產技術或生產工程方面進行投資改進。本專利技術的一個目的在于盡可能地從整體上消除連續彎板爐中存在的上述種種問題。為了實現這一目的,所提出的這一方法的基本特征在于按下述方式來輸送拖車彎板爐配 ...