The invention belongs to the field of nanometer material technology, in particular to a method for preparing kaolinite nanocrystalline material by an ultrasonic assistant intercalation agent. Using natural kaolinite as raw materials, potassium acetate intercalation agent, intercalation method through moisture absorption, ethanol washing, separation, ultrasonic stripping method for preparation of nano crystal kaolinite, which comprises the following steps: according to the ratio of raw materials and kaolinite, potassium acetate, mixed evenly, placed in a mortar, and the quality of kaolinite potassium acetate ratio is 1: 1 to 4; the mixture at room temperature grinding for 1 to 5 hours, until the mixture is semi flow dynamic paste, standing for 10 to 40 hours; the ethanol adding cleaning paste in a mortar, stirring for 0.5 to 3 hours, separation, drying, will be the intercalation of kaolinite / potassium acetate layer composite; dispersed in deionized water, ultrasonic reaction for 0.5 to 8 hours, finally produced an average particle size of 30.27 ~ 79.3nm kaolinite nanocrystalline. The parent material used in the invention is cheap and easy to obtain, and the required production equipment is simple, and the preparation process has no energy consumption basically, and has a very broad application prospect in industry.
高嶺土是自然界分布最廣、含量最多的粘土礦物之一,高嶺石(kaolinite)是高嶺土的主要礦物成分和有效成分。高嶺石不僅具有純度高、結構穩定性好等優點,而且價格低廉,工業化基礎完備,因此開展高嶺石深層次的研究和應用具有重要意義。 高嶺石的結構單元層是通過一層中的AlO2(OH)4八面體的羥基與另一層中的SiO4四面體的氧原子形成氫鍵而結合在一起,某些有機小分子能夠直接破壞高嶺石中層與層之間形成的氫鍵,插入到高嶺石的層間,撐大高嶺石的層間距,進而有可能使高嶺石發生層與層之間的剝離。目前,超聲波技術在材料的合成,特別是納米材料的合成中,顯示出潛在的應用前景。超聲波作為一種特殊能量的作用形式,在其作用時間、壓力及每個分子可獲取得能量等方面與傳統能源有很大不同。高頻超聲波可以產生局部超高溫、超高壓,并且超聲空化作用產生很高的空化能,因此可以利用高頻超聲波的這些特性使高嶺石剝片形成高嶺石的納米晶材料。 近年來,Maxwell等人報道了用醋酸鉀進行插層,使高嶺石的粒度變細,但尚未達到納米尺度(C.B.Maxell,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.,78(1),1999,57.)。F.Franco等通過超聲法處理高嶺石和去離子水的混合溶液,得到了納米化的高嶺石晶體(F.Franco,L.A.Pérez-Maqueda,J.L.Pérez-Rodríguez,The effect of ultrasound on the particle size and structuraldisorder of a we ...
采用超聲波輔助插層劑制備高嶺石納米晶材料的方法,其特征在于以天然高嶺石晶粒為原料,醋酸鉀為插層劑,通過吸潮法插層,無水乙醇清洗、分離,超聲波輔助剝片方法制備獲得高嶺石納米晶,具體步驟如下:(1)按原料配比稱取高嶺石、醋酸鉀,混合均勻 ,置于研缽中,高嶺石與醋酸鉀的質量比為1∶1~4;(2)將步驟(1)中得到的混合物室溫下研磨1~5小時,至混合物呈半流動態糊狀,然后靜置10~40小時;(3)將無水乙醇加入研缽中清洗步驟(2)中得到的糊狀物,攪拌0.5~3小 時,分離,去除澄清液,干燥,得到醋酸鉀/高嶺石插層復合物;(4)將步驟(3)中獲得的醋酸鉀/高嶺石插層復合物分散在去離子水中,通過超聲儀超聲反應0.5~8小時;(5)分離、干燥,制得平均粒徑為30.27~79.3nm高嶺石納 米晶。