The patent application relates to the field of solid separation equipment, in particular to a packaging bag sorting equipment. Including the frame, the frame body is arranged at the bottom of the tripod, the top of the frame body is provided with an inclined plate, inclined plate for the first conveying section; frame body is provided with a horizontal plate, transverse and inclined plate is inclined at the lower end, the transverse conveying section is second, the transverse bottom is provided with a pressure sensor, the device is also provided with a side actuator. The frame body is also provided with a controller, and the pressure sensor and actuator controller are connected, the actuating mechanism comprises a cylinder, a push plate end of the cylinder is provided with a role in the packaging bag; frame body is arranged on the conveyor belt, the conveyor belt is connected to the inlet end of the transverse conveyor belt, third conveying section, the exit end of the conveyor belt with exports. The utility model has the advantages of the packaging bag and the quality standard of the quality under separate, achieves the purpose of screening, screening at the same time, very fast, packaging bags sequentially across the transverse sorting can be open, the efficiency is very high.
大米是稻谷經清理、礱谷、碾米、成品整理等工序后制成的成品。清理工序就是利用合適的設備,通過適當的工藝流程和妥善的操作方法,將混入稻谷中的各類雜質除去,以提高大米成品的質量,同時利用磁鐵除去稻谷中的鐵釘、鐵屑等,以保證生產安全。礱谷工序就是用橡膠輥礱谷機或金剛砂礱谷機將稻谷的穎殼脫下,并使穎殼與糙米分離。碾米工序即用碾米機碾削、摩擦糙米使皮層和胚乳分離,然后再進行刷米、去糠、去碎、晾米等處理,這樣就可得到所需等級的大米。食用大米有較高的營養價值,大米中含碳水化合物75%左右,蛋白質7%-8%,脂肪1.3%-1.8%,并含有豐富的B族維生素等。大米中的碳水化合物主要是淀粉,所含的蛋白質主要是米谷蛋白,其次是米膠蛋白和球蛋白,其蛋白質的生物價和氨基酸的構成比例都比小麥、大麥、小米、玉米等禾谷類作物高,消化率66.8%-83.1%,也是谷類蛋白質中較高的一種。隨著社會發展,越來越多的人以購買的方式獲得大米,于是出現了大量的大米加工廠,各大廠商在農戶那里購買稻谷,然后制成精米,再進行定量包裝,最后才售賣到消費者手中。對大米進行包裝大致分為三個功能,一是盛裝作用,便于拿取;二是保護作用,防止大米受潮;三是標識、美化作用,增強客戶的購買欲。大米的包裝,大多利用機械設備自動裝袋,自動稱重、自動封口的一體化操作進行包裝,效率非常快速。但同時也因設備的機械性,當包裝時包裝袋不規則或者米箱內米量過少時,都會出現包裝袋內大米數量不夠的現象,而包裝后的大米沒有被檢查篩選,直接被輸 ...