The utility model discloses a multifunctional keyboard, which belongs to the technical field of computer hardware; the bottom of the base plate is provided with a groove; the groove is provided with two symmetrical on both sides of the supporting ribs; a supporting rib is provided with a slideway; two symmetrical grooves are arranged above the movable supporting structure; the bottom of the groove is provided with two symmetrical on both sides of a fixed pad symmetrically on both sides; the main pad is provided with two side pad; the back pad at the connecting position of the main and side pad is provided with a sliding strip; limiting block and slider in the end is movably connected with the limiting block; elastic slide block; and the limiting block matched with the chute; the right side of the keyboard body is provided with a power switch key. The utility model has the advantages of reasonable structural design and convenient use, solves the disadvantages of the prior art, improves the function, improves the comfort of use, and has the advantages of good flexibility, convenient assembly and disassembly, and convenient popularization and application.
:計算機硬件(Computerhardware)是指計算機系統中由電子,機械和光電元件等組成的各種物理裝置的總稱。這些物理裝置按系統結構的要求構成一個有機整體為計算機軟件運行提供物質基礎。簡言之,計算機硬件的功能是輸入并存儲程序和數據,以及執行程序把數據加工成可以利用的形式。從外觀上來看,微機由主機箱和外部設備組成。主機箱內主要包括CPU、內存、主板、硬盤驅動器、光盤驅動器、各種擴展卡、連接線、電源等;外部設備包括鼠標、鍵盤等。鍵盤是用于操作設備運行的一種指令和數據輸入裝置,也指經過系統安排操作一臺機器或設備的一組功能鍵(如打字機、電腦鍵盤)。鍵盤也是組成鍵盤樂器的一部分,也可以指使用鍵盤的樂器,如鋼琴、數位鋼琴或電子琴等,鍵盤有助于練習打字。鍵盤是最常用也是最主要的輸入設備,通過鍵盤可以將英文字母、數字、標點符號等輸入到計算機中,從而向計算機發出命令、輸入數據等。起初這類鍵盤多用于品牌機,如HP、聯想等品牌機都率先采用了這類鍵盤,受到廣泛的好評,并曾一度被視為品牌機的特色。隨著時間的推移,漸漸的市場上也出現獨立的具有各種快捷功能的產品單獨出售,并帶有專用的驅動和設定軟件,在兼容機上也能實現個性化的操作。現有的鍵盤在功能上線的比較單一,辦公人員使用鍵盤的頻率較高,辦公桌上使用的鍵盤一般是市面上比較常見的一種,接通電源的鍵盤也是存在一定的輻射,辦公人員在午休時,一般會關閉顯示屏,但是鍵盤是連接在主機上的,無法直接關閉,所以輻射仍然存在,此點亟待改進。很多辦公人員中午都趴在桌子上睡覺,舒適度很 ...