The utility model relates to a rolling force sensor with a king shaped structure, which relates to a force sensor. Includes a bridge circuit composed of strain gauge and elastic body; the elastic body is in the shape of rectangular cross section is the king, font, elastic body is provided with a transverse central thickness interval patch holes parallel, each lateral patch hole labeled with at least 2 piece tensile strain gauge; Huishi Wheatstone bridge circuit strain all the pieces, which a group of resistance Huishi Wheatstone bridge circuit in the form of another group of compression resistance, resistance to tensile component resistance; elastic body are symmetrically arranged in the horizontal interval patch hole as a reference and transverse patch holes parallel to the upper and lower stress releasing holes, elastic at both sides of the main body is arranged along the longitudinal direction with transverse and vertical patch hole as a reference with the patch hole of the upper and lower lateral force transmission guide groove. It can reduce the influence of the foundation pit unevenness on the strain gauge of the sensor, increase the original signal output of the sensor, improve the precision of the sensor, improve the ability of resisting bending moment of the sensor and the resistance to rolling force.
軋制力傳感器是軋鋼設備的重要組成部分,在連續不間斷軋鋼作業中,為了保證軋機上的輥輪兩端的力值一致,需指示和控制軋制力,通常需要安裝軋制力傳感器來測量軋輥兩端的軋制力值。特別是對于高精度的軋板和帶鋼,對于板材厚度的精準度以及均勻度完全取決于軋制力力值的控制,因此在高端板材領域軋制力傳感器至關重要。軋制力傳感器通常所受力值極大,產品規格從100~8000t不等,在軋鋼過程(咬鋼時)中軋制力會產生瞬時峰值,數值會遠超過產品規格量程因此對于軋制力傳感器的抗過載能力要求較高。同時安裝環境較為惡劣,通常油污、高溫、水汽等條件下,使得軋制力傳感器要具備極強的耐介質能力。目前國內鋼廠所使用的軋制力的傳感器以進口為主,雖然軋制力傳感器安裝環境較差但從現場實際使用情況而言,軋制力傳感器損壞的主要原因是非均布載荷以及彎矩應力過大導致傳感器損壞。因為軋制力傳感器是面受力傳感器,而傳感器為多組平行通孔結構,有多個貼片孔和應力釋放孔組成,在貼片孔內均勻貼布了多個應變計,從而形成多個應變測力單元。參見說明書附圖的圖1~4,圖1~4中各標記表示:P1為彈性主體;P11為貼片孔;P121為上應力釋放孔;P122為下應力釋放孔;P21軋輥接觸面;P22上均壓板上承壓面;P23上均壓板與傳感器接觸面;P24下承壓板與傳感器接觸面;P25基坑接觸面;P3軋輥;P41上均壓板;P42下承壓板;P5基坑;R1、R2為應變片壓縮組成電阻;R3、R4(R3、R4為恒值電阻)為補償電阻;L1、L2為貼片位置;C為彈性主體P1的厚度; ...