The utility model discloses a device for measuring the adhesion of clay, test bench is provided with a lever loading device, the loading device comprises a bracket and a lever balance lever bracket, wherein the balance bracket is connected by a first pin and the lever, the lever frame is arranged at one end of the loading slot, the other end of the second the pin shaft and is arranged in the test base at the bottom of the connecting plate is connected to the upper part of the base is provided with a test sample cavity, the sample chamber is provided with a drainage hole and the inner wall displacement meter, with the scale, the upper part of the sample chamber is provided with a pressure plate matched with the spindle, the pressure plate and positioned on the upper part of the servo motor is connected and the main shaft is provided with a torque sensor, the servo motor through the motor seat is connected with the motor bracket is fixed on the test bench, the servo motor and the controller communication connection. The device can be used to measure the adhesion of clay under different pressure, shear rate and degree of consolidation.
土壤的粘附現象廣泛存在生活中,是困擾許多行業的難題。農業生產中,土壤粘附在耕犁上導致牽引阻力增加;自卸車裝載粘土時,大量的土壤粘附在車廂內,造成運土量的減少,增加能源消耗;挖掘機、裝載機等機械上粘附粘土后,推土阻力增大,機械裝土量減小,工作效率大大降低;土壓平衡盾構在粘土地層中施工時,粘土粘附在刀盤和刀具上,造成刀盤轉動扭矩增大,排土不暢,掌子面易失穩等問題,掘進效率大大降低。先前許多學者對粘土的粘附性做了研究。FOUNTIANF(1953)研究了干土和濕土的粘附性,從細觀角度解釋了兩種情況下的粘附機理。錢定華(傳統犁壁材料——白口鐵對重粘土粘附特性的研究[J].農業機械學報,1965,02:145-150.)運用表面能量的方法,提出了粘土對金屬的粘附模型。李建橋等(鋼的顯微組織對其土壤粘附特性影響的研究[J].農業工程學報,1993,03:14-21.)研究了鋼材的顯微組織對于粘附性的影響。盧韶芳等(土壤-金屬界面水膜粘附規律的試驗研究[J].農業機械學報,1999,30(2):1-6.)測定了土壤-金屬界面水膜對粘附性的影響。Peila等(Laboratorytestsonsoilconditioningofclayeysoil[J].ActaGeotechnica,2015:1-14.)運用實驗裝置測定了靜態大氣壓條件下土-金屬板間的粘附性。Zumsteg(Tunnelling&UndergroundSpaceTechnology,2012,31(5):86-96. ...