The utility model discloses a natural gas engine with composite water jacket of cylinder cover, which belongs to the field of engine design technology, including spark plug sleeve, single and double water jacket jacket; the cylinder cover and the spark plug sleeve is integrally molded, the spark plug is located in the center of the cylinder cover set, solves the problem of reliability of spark plug sleeve; the jacket in the cylinder head intake side, a water inlet hole in the cylinder head jacket by divided into upper and lower water jacket; the baffle plate on the upward water flow trend, the lower water jacket flow horizontal flow. The trend of the upper water jacket flow is longitudinal flow, which flows from the top of the cylinder head and the outer wall of the tube. The utility model solves the problem of leakage and cracking of the cylinder cover, improves the cooling performance of the cylinder head, and ensures the reliability of the cylinder head under the condition of high heat work. At the same time, the casting technology of the cylinder head is taken into account, the reject rate is reduced, and the cost is reduced.
近年來隨著汽車保有量的不斷增加,車輛排放出的有害氣體使大氣環境污染日趨嚴重。石油資源分布不均并日益短缺,造成石油價格也一直高位運行。天然氣因其清潔、儲量大、熱值高、排污低、經濟性好等優點成為一種比較理想的發動機代用燃料,已在乘用車和商用車領域得到廣泛應用。目前中重型商用車一般裝備的是柴油發動機,因此中重型天然氣發動設計的基礎機型為柴油機。氣缸蓋在發動機天然氣化改造中是最重要的零部件之一。由于天然氣為干性燃料潤滑性能較差,發動機部件容易磨損,而且天然氣熱負荷大,排氣溫度高對氣缸蓋的低周疲勞也產生不利影響。因此天然氣發動機氣缸蓋的設計與柴油機相比有較大不同,氣缸蓋的進排氣道、缸蓋底板、火花塞套及水流都要進行全新設計,確保發動機的性能和可靠性。設計單燃料天然氣發動機氣缸蓋遇到的第一個問題就是安裝火花塞,在原來噴油器套的基礎上改進設計以適應火花塞的安裝要求。火花塞套工作要求與噴油器套相同,是將火花塞與氣缸蓋冷卻液隔離。目前噴油器套在柴油機上是一種比較成熟的結構。噴油器頭部直徑是Φ7.8mm,火花塞頭部M14的螺紋2,兩者的結構形式和受力方式完全不同。目前火花塞套的結構形式非常多,按照安裝方式有頂部壓裝和旋裝。由于火花塞套底部加工螺紋的要求不能采用磙擠工藝,因此采用頂部壓裝的火花塞套方案,氣缸蓋頂部的螺栓或套筒壓住火花塞套,通過火花塞套軸向傳力壓住底部的密封墊圈。在此方案中,作用力處和密封處位置不同,火花塞套受空間的限制剛度較差,在發動機工作中出現應力松弛的現象,套管內部容易出現滲 ...