The utility model relates to a novel oxygen cone device, which comprises a container and a base, water pump, oxygen source and the connecting pipe, the container is tapered, the cone is arranged on the base, the water pump is connected with an outlet pipe, the source of oxygen by sequentially connected oxygen tube, one-way valve, three way joint and anti backwater inlet pipe connected with the cone, the three connector is connected with the other end of the air inlet, the water outlet pipe and the inlet pipe three and anti backwater pipe connected with the conical device through the anti backwater, air inlet pipe and the three pipe joint is also provided with a jet assembly, the device is provided with a tapered conical top inlet, the inlet cone is connected with the three way pipe, the bottom of the conical connector is also provided with a conical outlet. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and high dissolved oxygen, and adopts the full sealing design, so as to reduce the waste of oxygen, and the oxygen is maximized to dissolve into the water.
我國的河流、湖泊、水庫、池塘等地表水大都存在著嚴重的污染。大量的未經處理的工業污水、生活污水、農業灌溉后水直接排入江、河、湖、海,造成水體污染和富營養化的頻繁發生。污染物由于比重比水大,大多沉降于水底,大量的污染物降解超過了水體的自凈能力,消耗底層水體的氧氣,使底層水體長期處于缺氧狀態。溶解氧不足,厭氧分解產生臭氣和黑液,造成水體發黑發臭。同時由于底層水體缺氧,促進了底泥內磷的釋放,進一步提高了水華發生的可能性??諝庵械姆肿討B氧溶解在水中稱為溶解氧,水中的溶解氧的含量與空氣中氧的分壓、水的溫度都有密切關系。物理化學的基本定律------亨利定律認為:在等溫等壓下,某種氣體在溶液中的溶解度與液面上該氣體的平衡壓力成正比。水中溶解氧的多少是衡量水體自凈能力的一個指標。現有的增氧機主要有葉輪式增氧機、水車式增氧機、射流式增氧機、噴水式增氧機、充氣式增氧機、渦流式增氧機等。增氧機的工作原理為:(1)利用機械部件攪動水體,促進對流交換和界面更新;(2)把水分散為細小霧滴,噴入氣相,增加水一氣的接觸面積;(3)通過負壓吸氣,令氣體分散為微氣泡,壓入水中。在生產中使用最多的是葉輪式增氧機,葉輪式增氧機有向上提水的作用。開機后造成池水垂直循環流轉,能將2米以下的底層水與池面水對流,把吸附在底質的營養鹽類和還原態物質輸送到了表層,把表層的富氧水輸送到了底層,可均勻水質。上層水的溶氧降低后可通過光合作用得到恢復補充。因此,水體對流交換后狀況,特別是底層水的溶氧狀況,消除底層水的氧債。但葉輪式增氧機存在如下缺點: ...