The invention discloses a center furnace L duct vertical gas boiler, which comprises a burner, a cylinder, a furnace, L shaped conduit, set smoke box, smoke tube, spiral deflector, smoke chamber, a water inlet pipe, a water outlet pipe, an exhaust pipe and the support tube and the base, which is characterized in that the burner is at the top of the vertical the boiler barrel, the center position of the furnace in the vertical boiler; furnace provided with a plurality of L shaped catheter, a radial center, L catheter top pass through the furnace wall and the central wall welding, the lower end of the smoke chamber and turn through the floor and floor welding; in the furnace around the smoke pipe layout, the upper end the smoke pipe and the furnace is connected with a fume collecting box, lower end are connected to the smoke chamber. The flue gas and the furnace and L shaped duct radiation heat transfer, increase the radiation heat transfer area, L shaped conduit boiler heating rapid upward flow of natural convection heat transfer of water to strengthen, to speed up the boiler water circulation. The utility model has the advantages of compact structure, large heat exchange area, and high thermal efficiency of the boiler.
為了克服上述現有技術的不足,本專利技術提供了一種中心爐膽L形導管立式燃氣鍋爐。中心爐膽L形導管立式燃氣鍋爐,包括燃燒器、筒體、爐膽、L形導管、集煙箱、煙管、螺旋導流片、轉煙室、進水管、出水管、排煙管、支撐管和底座,其特征在于:燃燒器位于立式鍋爐筒體頂端,爐膽位于立式鍋爐的中心位置;爐膽內設置多根L形導管,呈中心輻射狀,L形導管上端穿過爐膽中部壁面并與壁面焊接,其下端穿過轉煙室底板并與底板焊接;煙管布置在爐膽周圍,煙管和爐膽的上端均連接集煙箱,下端均連接轉煙室。所述轉煙室為一個環形腔體,其上端面為環形管板,煙管下端通過焊接垂直固定在環形管板上,其下端面為圓形平板,底部通過四根支撐管焊接固定于底座上。煙管圍繞爐膽按圓周布置,內外圈煙管之間在管板上按照正三角形方式布置,煙管的圈數依據實際需要可設置一圈或多圈。集煙箱為圓筒體,其上端面為環形平板,燃燒器固定于環形平板的中心位置,下端 ...