The invention discloses a stainless steel hanger can change the length and shape, including the hook and the connecting rod, the hook and the connecting rod is connected with the active surface, the lower surface and the supporting rod connected with the connecting rod, the supporting rod on both sides of the connecting support group, support group to support for the axis of symmetry; the supporting rod is connected with one side of the main bracket at one end of the main bracket, the other end is provided with a buckle groove and connected between one end of the bracket, between the middle and the other end is connected with one end of the hanging bracket and the hanging bracket length, the other end is provided with a hanging hanger buckle, buckle and connected through the main bracket. A spring is connected between the three support frames, and the support rod is also connected with the main support by a spring. A hook plate is arranged on the upper surface of the main support, and the hook plate is welded with the main bracket. The hook plate is provided with a hook, the hook is connected with the hook plate shaft, and the hook rotates 90 DEG around the connecting shaft. The hook plate is provided with a hook groove matched with the hook.
衣架是由一個名叫艾伯特帕克豪斯的工人專利技術的。當時他是美國密執安州的一家金屬絲及小手工制品公司制作燈罩的鐵匠,一天他生氣地發現工廠衣帽間的掛衣鉤已被全部占用,他氣沖沖的拿出一段鉛絲,彎成大衣肩部的形狀并在上面加了鉤子。這個專利技術被他老板據為己有并取得專利,這便是衣架的起源。衣架是我國較早出現的一種家具,周朝開始實行禮制,貴族階層對衣冠十分重視,為了適應這種需要,較早就出現了專門用來懸掛衣物的架子。各個朝代的衣架形式各有不同,名稱也有所不同。春秋時期,橫架的木桿,用以掛衣曰"桁",又叫"木施"。在宋代,衣架的使用較前代更為普遍,并且有形象的資料,河南禹縣宋墓壁畫梳妝圖中的衣架,它由兩根立柱支撐一根橫桿,橫桿兩頭長出立柱,兩頭微向上翹,并做成花朵狀。下部用兩橫木墩以穩定立柱,在上橫桿下部的兩柱之間,另加一根橫棖,以起加固作用。明代衣架整體造型仍保持著傳統模式,但用材、制作、裝飾尤精。衣架下端以兩塊墩子木作足,里外兩面浮雕回紋,墩上植立柱,前后兩個鏤雕卷草花站牙抵夾。站牙上部和下部分用榫與立柱和座墩連接,兩墩安裝用小塊木料攢接的欞格,由于欞格具有一定的寬度,故可以擺放鞋履等物。各個橫材與立柱結合部的下側,都有透雕拐子回紋花牙承托。衣架從選材、設計、雕刻制作,在明代都達到了很高的藝術水平。明清衣架造型典雅,裝飾精美,雕刻細致,漆色光亮。明清官員頭戴烏紗紅纓帽,身著前后綴有補子的盤領馬蹄袖長袍,故清代衣架高大,站牙立柱上設有橫桿,二端出挑,雕有紋飾,衣 ...