The utility model discloses an anode structure of a laminar plasma generator, which relates to the laminar flow plasma technology field. The utility model comprises an anode casing, the arc channel and the anode head, the anode anode casing is fixed on the fixed seat, one end of the arc channel is connected with the anode shell, and the other end is connected with the anode head; the cooling water pipe are provided with the side wall of the shell, anode and anode arc channel in the head, the the cooling water pipes are communicated with each other; the anode casing is respectively provided with a cooling water inlet and a cooling water outlet, the cooling water inlet and a cooling water outlet are respectively communicated with the cooling water pipe; the arc channel is arranged on the outer wall of the anode spring, the spring is sheathed on the anode arc channel on the side wall. The utility model can overcome the turbulent plasma jet, can produce high temperature area of long, slow and uniform distribution of energy attenuation and noise, is conducive to the efficient use of energy and for process control of arc plasma jet.
等離子態是物質的第四態,宇宙中幾乎99﹪的物質(不包括尚未確認的暗物質)都處于等離子態。等離子體射流與一般流體在流動特征上有相似性,具有兩種流動狀態:層流與湍流。對某一指定流體,當其流速小于一特定值時,流體作有規則的層狀或流束狀運動,流體質點沒有橫向運動,質點間互不干擾地前進,這種流動形式叫層流;當流體流速大于該值時,流體有規則的運動遭到破壞,質點除了主要的縱向運動外還有附加的橫向運動,流體質點交錯混亂地前進,這種流動形式叫湍流。等離子體其溫度分布范圍則從10K的低溫到核聚變等離子體的10億K超高溫并擁有一系列獨特性質,使等離子體在納米材料生產、新材料合成、熱加工制造、冶煉、鉆探、煤化工、垃圾廢物處理、材料表面處理、電子、新能源、軍事、航空航天等領域獲得廣泛應用。在等離子體高溫熱源方面,目前應用十分廣泛的電弧等離子體射流絕大部分采用湍流形態工作,這是由現有湍流電弧等離子體射流發生器技術和工作原理決定的。電弧等離子發生器分為層流和湍流兩種,其關鍵技術是發生器結構設計。近幾十年來,等離子體發生器的研制及等離子診斷技術的開發均取得了巨大的進展,并且等離子體研制與開發的重點已不再局限與航天航空方面的應用,而是更多地轉向機械、化工、冶金、環保等工業部門的應用,特別是在材料加工與新材料研制方面的應用。對于工業生產性的應用,要求等離子體發生器有較長的壽命和較高的效率。然而在實際工程應用中,等離子體流呈現復雜的流動狀況,特別是大尺寸、大流量、大功率的工業等離 ...