The invention provides a slag contamination level junction heating coal-fired boiler on-line monitoring method, which is characterized in that the real-time acquisition of coal-fired units, steam turbine boiler side side operating data, these data will be collated into a standard database; the furnace flue gas and the steam water side parameters with hands, calculate each boiler heating surface of soda the heat absorption of flue gas, heat, heat loss; calculation of each heating surface of the heat absorption ratio, flue gas heat ratio; monitoring of each heating surface, the heat absorption ratio of flue gas heat release proportion change in real time, if there is a heating surface of the heat absorption ratio decreased or flue gas heat release ratio decreased, the heating surface slagging causing contamination the phenomenon of. The method provided by the invention can perform monitoring from coal-fired furnace starting after the size of repair, operation staff can according to the change of the monitoring parameters, take corresponding measures in advance, in order to reduce the probability of Slagging in boiler and reduce the heating surface contamination degree, improve the safety and economy of boiler operation.
我國目前火電占據所有發電規模的70%左右,根據電力工業中長期發展新的預測,到2020年,我國裝機總容量將達到13.4億千瓦,其中煤電裝機總容量為9.1億千瓦。以2005年3.8億千瓦煤電裝機量為基準,到2020年煤電裝機新增容量為5.3億千瓦。預計到2050年,我國火電機組發電方式仍高居所有發電量的55%~60%。但是目前由于礦井自身條件、煤炭市場與上網價格的影響,大多數火電廠難以持續燃用設計煤種,燃用相對價格便宜的煤種,甚至不同煤種配煤燃燒、摻燒是目前燃煤電廠的實際上煤局面。這就容易使得電廠鍋爐的燃燒控制難度加大,鍋爐容易出現結渣,內部的受熱面沾污程度加重,嚴重影響鍋爐安全運行,甚至導致機組停機。以新疆地區準東煤為例,準東地區煤炭資源預測儲量占全疆的三分之一,規劃開采規模為每年5.82億噸,是優勢資源轉換的主陣地和疆電東送、西氣東輸、疆煤外運最主要的能源基地。根據規劃,“十二五”末全疆電廠容量將從現在的1800萬千瓦提高到1億千瓦,煤炭需求量極大。但由于準東地區煤炭具有嚴重的沾污、結渣、高水分等特性,長期以來只能作為傳統電廠鍋爐的摻配煤,準東露天煤開采安全、成本低、產量大的優點就發揮不出來,嚴重限制了準東地區煤炭產業的發展,也在一定程度上制約了新疆電力的發展。當前在我國燃煤機組中,有較多的針對預警燃煤鍋爐爐內結渣、受熱面沾污的專門方法,但是很多方法缺乏實時性,只 ...