The invention discloses a method for producing gold okra Health-Enhancing Herbal Tea, including the selection of 7 8 cooked okra fruit picking, picking okra clean, and then slice or cut, then the dehydration after dehydration, okra uniform spreading, in dry shade or directly dried get the semi-finished products, semi-finished products of okra were two baked to dry goods after Jin Qiukui Health-Enhancing Herbal Tea. The invention of the gold okra Health-Enhancing Herbal Tea okra will dry or dried into semi-finished products, can effectively maintain the original nutritional value elements of okra, avoid the loss of nutrients, and then semi-finished products for the two first baking, baking the fruit second times in the overflow of okra, baking the Health-Enhancing Herbal Tea to dry storage production needs, using the method of gold okra Health-Enhancing Herbal Tea color and sell better, higher nutritional value, but also more mellow and refreshing, but also can improve the cold treatment and okra, long-term drinking is conducive to the protection of stomach, liver protection.
本專利技術所要解決的技術問題便是針對上述現有技術的不足,提供一種制作金秋葵養生茶的方法,它能夠更好地保持秋葵原有的營養價值元素,更為養生,同時更甘醇爽口,色彩和賣相更好。本專利技術所采用的技術方案是:一種制作金秋葵養生茶的方法,包括下列幾個步驟:A、采摘,挑選7-8分熟的黃秋葵瓜果進行采摘;B、清洗,將采摘的黃秋葵清洗干凈,然后切片或切段,再用脫水機進行脫水;C、半成品制作,將脫水后的黃秋葵均勻攤鋪,于陰涼處晾干或直接在太陽下曬干(70%-80%的干度),得到半成品;D、烘焙,將上述半成品的黃秋葵分別進行兩次烘焙成干品后即得金秋葵養生茶。作為優選,步驟B中脫水時間為1-2min。作為優選,步驟C中晾干或曬干使得黃秋葵中剩余水分在20%-30%。作為優選,步驟D中第一次烘焙的溫度為110℃-120℃,烘焙時間為1-2h;第二次烘焙 ...