The present invention belongs to the field of food processing and electric appliance manufacturing, and relates to a process and equipment manufacturing technique for heating wheaten food by electrothermal method. The biggest feature is the high efficiency and energy saving, the equipment without heating component, without heating plate heating to heat the food, high thermal efficiency, energy efficient products; break on the heating plates of food in the traditional mode of thinking. In the curing process method of pasta quality reform, two electrode plates with the main process, the fermented flour placed between the two electrodes, the resistance of the food itself as the heating body, produce heat to mature food. The manufacturing process of the invention of the equipment, simple process, less original, low cost; can be made into domestic and commercial small machinery, can also be made of large and medium-sized pipeline; the production process of the invention is very simple, and can be made into various shapes, two plates making points is to use insulating body support, the middle of pasta ohmic heating, the process is simple, it is not attached.
本專利技術屬于食品加工和電器制造領域,是涉及一種用電發熱使面食成熟的食物熟化工藝。本專利技術主要是通過電器設備的制造,在面食熟化工藝方法上的進行質的改革。最大的特點是:整個設備沒有發熱組件,打破了靠電熱板加熱食物的傳統思維方式。主要工藝為:用兩個電極板,把發酵的面粉放在兩電極之間,加電,利用食物本身的電阻作為發熱體,產生熱量使食物成熟。用本專利技術制作的食品加工機,沒有發熱體,不需發熱盤發熱對食物進行加熱,以食物為電阻,產生熱量加熱食物,熱效率高,本人經多種規格的實驗結果證明,成熟時間都在5分鐘左右,能耗是傳統炊具如電飯鍋、電磁爐、電烤鍋等電器的四分之一到六分之一,是高效節能產品;本專利技術的優點有:1、高效節能。實驗證明,本專利技術與傳統的電器相比,可節能達80%以上;2、改革了傳統面食加工的熟化方式,打破了千年的傳統;3、設備制造結構簡單,節約設備制造成本;4、提高生產效率,大大節約勞動力。實驗證明,熟化1kg食物,用時只需5-8分鐘,一人可同時操控至少5臺設備,一個人一小時的產量可達60kg,對食堂而 ...