The invention relates to a drying device, in particular to a granular material drying machine. The technical proposal of the invention is: a multifunctional granular material drying machine comprises a drying box body, the top of the drying box is provided with a feed inlet, a drying cabinet is arranged at the bottom of the upper outlet of the drying box is provided with at least two layers of filter screen, the filter screen is obliquely arranged on the drying box the internal aperture sieve filter hole multi-layer filter decreases successively from top to bottom, at the top of each layer of the filter screen are connected with a discharge pipe, the discharge end of the tube into the discharge hopper, drying the inside of the box is installed on the side wall of the heating body, the drying box is provided with a tray. The present invention has the advantages of reasonable structure, good use effect, high work efficiency and good function.
本專利技術的目的是:針對上述不足,提供一種結構合理,使用效果好,功能性強的顆粒物料烘干機。為實現上述目的,本專利技術采用的技術方案是:一種多功能顆粒物料烘干機,包括烘干箱體,所述烘干箱體的頂部設有進料口,烘干箱體的底部設有出料口所述烘干箱體內的上部設有至少兩層過濾篩網,所述過濾篩網傾斜設置于烘干箱體內部,多層過濾篩網上的過濾孔的孔徑從上至下依次減小,每層過濾篩網的頂部均連接有出料管,所述出料管的端部伸入到放料倉內,烘干箱體內部側壁上安裝有加熱體,所述烘干箱體的內部設有托盤。進一步的技術方案:所述加熱體安裝于過濾篩網下部的烘干箱體的側壁上。所述放料倉內部設有粉碎裝置,所述粉碎裝置包括與旋轉電機連接的旋轉軸,所述旋轉軸的端部安裝有粉碎刀片。由于上述技術方案的應用,本專利技術與現有技術相比具有如下優點:1、本專利技術的多功能顆粒物料烘干機,在對物料進行烘干之前可以先對顆粒物料進行挑選,將符合粒徑大小的顆粒物料進行烘干,將不符合粒徑大小的顆粒物料排出烘干箱體,有利于提高產品質量。2、本專利技術的多功能顆粒物料烘干機,在放料倉內部設有粉碎裝置,其 ...