The Chinese medicine health care shoes which belongs to the technical field of clothing apparel production. Sandals are the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, sandals with a lightweight, soft, absorbent, anti-skid, comfortable and durable, for thousands of years, people always love to wear straw sandals, made an indelible contribution to the development of the Chinese nation. Straw culture has become an important part of Chinese culture. In modern times, people endow the connotation of environmental protection, fashion sandals. The rope making shoes made of straw, barnyardgrass, mugwort, eggplant seedlings, bark, the straw not only lightweight, soft, absorbent, anti-skid, comfortable, durable, and environmental protection, fashion, more make sandals with detoxification, Qi and blood, expel the cold and warm through the bleeding and pain, detoxify, cough phlegm etc..
:本專利技術提供了一種中草藥保健草鞋,其特征是,編草鞋的草繩由稻草、稗草、艾蒿、茄秧、麻皮組成;組份的質量比例為,稻草30%、稗草25%、艾蒿20%、茄秧皮10%、麻皮15%。本專利技術的實施例2:編草鞋的草繩由稻草或者麻皮編制,編制前將所使用的稻草或者麻皮在中草藥溶液中浸泡5-8小時,然后晾干至適當的柔韌程度使用。所述的中草藥溶液的配制方法是,按質量比例為:藿香15%、薄荷15%、佩蘭15%、艾蒿25%、茄秧30%;上述配料混合后用溫水浸泡1小時,再煎熬1小時,濾出湯汁后,重新加水煎熬2小時;最后將兩次煎熬所得湯汁混合使用。本專利技術的實施例3:編草鞋的草繩由稻草或者麻皮編制,編制后將草鞋在所述的中草藥溶液中浸泡5-8小時,然后晾干即可。本專利技術提供了一種中草藥保健草鞋,編草鞋的草繩由稻草、稗草、艾蒿、茄秧、麻皮組成,使草鞋不但輕巧,柔軟,吸汗,防滑,舒適,耐用,而且環保、時尚,更使草鞋具有了清熱解毒,理氣血,逐寒濕,溫經止血止痛,清熱解毒,止咳消痰等功效。具體實施方式:本專利技術的實施例1:編草鞋的草繩由稻草、稗草、艾蒿、茄秧、麻皮組成,它們 ...