The present invention discloses to the people in the arid regions of large loquat planting method, this method is: large fruit Loquat seedling before planting orchard soil after burying organic fertilizer improved soil, the soil became hypertrophy, beneficial to soil water retention; planting, Seedling Root Seedling Leaves dipped in mud moisture, all cut off, leaving the trunk height 40 - 60 cm. Young fruit trees are fertilized 3~5 times a year. The thin manure water is 5 kg, and 20~50 grams of urea is added. Adult result tree, apply fertilizer 1 times a year, topdressing 2~3 times. Fertilizer is mainly phosphorus fertilizer, and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 3 to 4: 3. Adopt dwarf crown to control the crown, leave the stem 40~60 cm long and cut and dry. Fruit thinning and bagging, each ear fruit 2 - 3 months, after thinning in ear bagging, and fruit ripening. The invention of planting fruit of loquat fruit, in late April to early May mature market, compared with the traditional planting method of early 7 - 10 days to reach 500 - 1000 kg per mu.
本專利技術的目的是針對干旱對大果枇杷生產帶來的不利影響,提供一種能夠提高大果枇杷在干旱地區種植經濟效益的管理方法。本專利技術的實現步驟如下:1、選擇適宜的園地,適時定植。(1)大果枇杷適合在我國南方種植,而南方干旱的地區多數為山丘紅壤土質,這類園土偏酸、瘦、易板結、干旱,所以建園時須挖1米見方大坑,每年做好擴穴工作,翻埋有機肥改良土壤,4~5年后全園擴充,使園地土層變肥厚,利于土壤保水。大果枇杷園地選擇在坡度不超過25度的坡地為宜,這類山地既通風透氣,又便于排水。平地建園,注意挖好排水溝,防止積水。(2)果苗定植應選擇在當年12月至次年2月。定植時,苗木根部蘸泥漿保濕,苗木葉片全部剪去,僅留樹干高度60厘米,以減少苗木水分蒸發。枇杷根系好氣性強,而且不耐濃肥,忌水,因此苗木應淺植,以根頸部與表土平齊為宜。為防止苗木栽植過深,應在定植穴回填土有機肥基本沉實后,再植苗木較為理想。若肥土沉降時間較 ...