The invention discloses a Chinese herbal incense ecological mat and its production method, the filling material of the incense pad internal capsule and contains graft obtained according to the cultivation method of ZL201410156751.2 containing fish vanilla fennel grass. The production method is as follows: the Chinese herbal medicine plant flattening fracturing, then according to the required length of cut, choice containing fish vanilla vanilla anise seed into powder; in the smokehouse the Chinese herbal fumigation in the frame, and according to the weight of 10 to 20% to take the powder into the smoked plate under the then, slowly progressive heating smoked board to the 180 to 200 DEG C, volatile aromatic substances until the powder was the best so far; Chinese herbal medicine for incense after natural cooling after cooling, put incense pad internal capsule, paving molding, and then sewed with the internal jacket. Compared with the existing technology advantage lies in: it is a new graft herbal filling nature not; two is a special flavor, fragrance is fit fish vanilla and dill; three is the fragrance lasting forever.
:本專利技術的目的在于克服已有技術的上述不足而提供一種用含有魚香草香味的茴香草為主要原料制作的中草藥生態香墊及其生產方法。本專利技術目的是這樣實現的,其技術方案為:一種中草藥生態香墊,它包括香墊的外套、內囊和內囊中的填充物質,其特征在于所述的填充物質,其中包含有根據ZL201410156751.2的培育方法獲得的嫁接植物----含有魚香草香味的茴香草。該生態香墊的生產方法為:a、選取由ZL201410156751.2的培育方法獲得的含有魚香草香味的茴香草植物的秸稈及籽粒,將秸稈用機械壓扁壓裂,然后按所需長度切段并將籽粒粉碎成粉末備用;b、在熏房將所述切段的秸稈置于熏架上,并按其重量的10~20%取所述籽粒的粉末置于熏架之下的熏板上,然后緩慢漸進式加熱熏板至180~200℃,待粉末的芳香物質揮發始盡為止;c、取熏架上所熏香完畢的秸稈,待自然降溫冷卻后,將其裝進香墊內囊并鋪勻成型,然后扎縫內囊,加裝外套即成。這種香墊,其厚度、形狀或面料,根據客戶的要求而定,可用于車內座椅、辦公室或家居沙發、座墊、靠墊、床墊、或頭枕,由于所填裝的秸稈為申請人擁有的ZL201410156751.2所獲得的嫁接植物---含有魚香草香味的茴香草,該植物本身在自然 ...