The invention belongs to the technical field of Dentistry, relates to a perfusion root implant fixed, including for the Department and for the installation of piles of jaw implant denture base part, the pile part and the base part are integrally connected, internal piles of open road along the vertical direction of the pile perfusion, the surface is provided with a plurality of injection holes connected road perfusion. The product of the invention has the advantages of simple structure, ingenious design and reasonable, effective bone cement column perfusion inside and through the hole into the bone cement perfusion and fossa bone tissue formed in the root structure in use, multiple levels, from the shallower to the deeper in all directions to implant fixed planting in the nest, and dispersed bear the stress in the vertical direction; bone cement forming isolation film between the implant and bone tissue, and the elastic modulus of cancellous bone near the implant, can effectively prevent sinking, prolong the service time of dental implant.
種植牙是當前牙缺失修補治療的主要方式。種植牙主要由種植體、基臺和牙冠組成,種植體是種植牙植入牙槽骨內的部分,需要具備良好的生物相容性和剛度(彈性模量大)。種植體固定不佳或發生松動和大幅度沉降,將直接導致種植失敗。牙槽骨是松質骨,松質骨的特點是其骨組織呈現面包樣的多孔疏松結構,彈性模量較小。由于咀嚼的力量強大,當前種植體都選用生物相容性好、強度高的金屬材料制作,其外觀就是一枚釘尖圓鈍的金屬螺釘(圖1)。隨著骨結合理論被臨床廣泛接受,現在的種植體表面又進行了涂層、噴砂酸蝕,以利于骨組織生長附著在其表面(骨結合),起到固定種植體的作用。然而,存在的問題非常明顯。一方面是牙齒缺失后,周圍的牙槽骨會萎縮缺損,這將導致預定的種植體植入窩骨量不夠(類似于種樹時土層厚度不夠),需要進行骨增量處理(骨移植、劈開增量等),從而使得植牙時間冗長、難度加大,患者痛苦多、費用高。更為重要的是在另一方面,由于金屬種植體與牙槽骨的彈性模量相差懸殊,當在非受力(咀嚼)狀態下形成的骨結合承受咀嚼時產生的強大應力時,彈性模量較小的牙槽骨便會被彈性模量較大的金屬種植體反復擠壓、切割、甚至擊穿,導致種植牙使用壽命短、種植效果不佳。正是因為這樣的原因,國際公認的種植牙評價標準(CFDA注冊時采用)將“種植體植入術后第一年垂直骨吸收小于1.0mm、以后每年復查垂直骨吸收小于0.2mm”作為臨床終點評價指標。垂直骨吸收的另一種表達即是:種植體的下沉位移。由此可見,因為種植體頭部面積小,壓強大,應力集中,再加 ...