The invention relates to a device for pressure pipe spinning doffer, including pressure pipe bracket, pressure plate, an adjusting rod, adjusting column, crimp pin, the first pressure pipe pressure spring, a spring guide rod and second pressure pipe pressure spring, pressure pipe bracket is connected with a frame fixed on the mobile dolly, the front end of the bracket is connected along the adjusting rod spinning machine machine direction, the front end of the adjusting rod inserted into the adjusting column through the limit in the regulation of the column by the first pressure pipe pressure spring in regulating column elastic compression joint was adjusted along the column vertical lifting state of connecting pin, connecting plate in the middle adjusting column plate was high to low tilt the spindle rod arranged above the plate is arranged in the front end spinning machine machine in the corresponding direction guide groove of the rear cannula, regulating rod is connected with the spring guide rod at the upper end of the other end wear waist groove along the length direction of the lower end of the guide rod, a movable spring The lower end of the spring guide rod is connected with the adjusting rod by pressing second pressure pipe springs.
環錠紡紗是一種非常重要且普遍的紡紗技術。在環錠紡細紗的過程中,需要將紡好紗線的紗管從細紗機的錠子上取下,這一環節稱為落紗。傳統采用的人工落紗,由人用手將紗管從錠桿上拔取后放入紗筐中,并將沒有紗線的空紗管放入到錠桿上,其操作繁瑣、費時費力、效率低;現有采用機器落紗,用落紗機來逐個或者小批量地取下紗管,同時采用插管裝置將空紗管放入錠桿上,但不能解決錠桿與紗管嵌合力的問題。有的單機落紗機中有嵌合力消除裝置,但其方法損傷錠桿,并容易失效或發生故障;有的細紗機自帶的集體落紗裝置為解決嵌合力問題,一是靠振動,二是更換原光桿錠桿,采用帶圓球鋁錠桿,其費用較大,傳統的細紗機不更換鋁錠桿集體落紗難以適應?,F有專利號為201610202934.2的立軸式環錠紡自動落紗裝置,采用帶補償誤差的摩擦凸塊與錠桿接觸摩擦,帶動錠桿旋轉脫開紗管,以便紗管的拔出,但摩擦控制始終屬于無法精確控制,存在摩擦力不足無法帶動錠桿旋轉脫開紗管的隱患,影響持續工作效率,同時長期摩擦使用后,摩擦凸塊和錠桿存在磨損,同樣影響旋轉驅動,無法穩定控制紗管與錠桿的脫開。又有專利號為201420810740.7的一種組合自動落紗小車,采用驅動插空紗管裝置對拔管后的紗錠進行插空紗管,使用多個檢測傳感器配合輸送螺桿驅動機構定量將空紗管輸送到空紗管通道中,螺桿轉圈向紗管通道輸送紗管,最終通過空紗管傾斜插管通道將空紗管受錠桿撥動以傾斜插管的方式依靠自身重量插到錠桿上,孔紗管傾斜插入錠桿存在不能有效垂直插入、插入不完全 ...