The invention relates to a casting compact wire rope rigging, a total of 35 shares, shares, time shares the inner and outer outer coarse shares the same diameter, the outer diameter is fine time shares other shares of 65-70% shares, the inner diameter; the outer strands twist to the same time, the outer strands and two layer strand in the opposite. A center wire, an inner shell and a secondary outer shell constitute a steel wire rope, a center rope, an outer shell and a central rope, and constitute a steel wire rope. The pitch of the center stock is selected by 7 times the diameter of the stock, the other stock is selected 9 times the stock diameter, the center rope is selected by 6.3 times rope diameter, and the wire rope is selected with 7 times rope diameter. The steel wire used for the steel wire rope is made of 80# high-quality carbon steel as raw material, and the finished product is processed with a compression ratio of 85-90%, and the compression rate of each steel wire rope is 16%. Because the present invention has the characteristics of material selection and structure, the wire rope strength and the breaking coefficient of the invention are greatly improved, and the steel rope does not rotate in the natural state, thus avoiding the inconvenience caused by the rotation of the steel wire rope.
有鑒于此,有必要針對以上問題,提供一種壓縮率高,破斷系數大,抗旋轉性能好,耐磨損的鋼絲繩。為解決以上問題,本專利技術采用如下技術方案:一種澆鑄索具用壓實股鋼絲繩,包含1個中心股,6個內層股、12個次外層股和16個外層股;所述次外層股分為次外層細股和次外層粗股;內層股、次外層粗股、外層股直徑相同,次外層細股直徑是其他股直徑的65-70%;內層股、次外層股捻向相同,外層股與里面兩層股捻向相反。中心股、內層股、次外層股組成鋼絲繩中心子繩,外層股和中心子繩組成鋼絲繩。所述中心股捻距選用7倍的股徑,其他各股選用9倍的股徑,中心子繩選用6.3倍的繩徑,鋼絲繩選用7倍的繩徑。所述鋼絲繩股均為6根鋼絲包捻1根鋼絲,鋼絲之間呈面接觸。所述鋼絲繩用鋼絲選用80#優質碳素鋼原料,成品加工壓縮率85-90%。所述鋼絲繩股的壓縮率為16%。與現有技術相比,本專利技術在選材和結構方面的特點,是本專利技術具有如下有益效果:鋼絲繩強度增大到2160MPA,與現有技術鋼絲繩強度1770MPA相比提高了390MPA,提高率為22%。鋼絲繩 ...