The invention provides a method for reconstruction of upper respiratory tract respiratory isolation to reduce residual gas, which belongs to medical surgery, including artificial trachea, bronchi and artificial one-way valve, which is characterized in that the left and right bronchus and the bronchial connection enlargement fenestration, bedding artificial trachea and artificial trachea supporting access, on the right chest wall leads to colostomy a one-way valve, to the end of the set of controllable artificial trachea. The artificial trachea and the artificial bronchus are one-way passages for inhalation, and the upper respiratory tract of their own is a one-way passageway for exhalation. Compared with the respiratory physiology function of the invention and nature, a decrease in the respiratory residual stock, improve the respiratory function of the generation of taste at the same time, less influence with pronunciation, language function, and has good curative effect, relieve hypoxia improve breathing.
:本專利技術的目的是針對以上問題和不足,彷生借鑒魚類濾過性吸氧模式,減少單通道呼吸往返造成的殘氣余量,提供一種減少呼吸殘氣的上呼吸道分離再造術。本專利技術的目的是通過以下手術方案實現的:一種減少呼吸殘氣的上呼吸道分離再造術,其包括人造氣管、人造支氣管和單向氣門,其特征是在左、右支氣管與肺葉支氣管連接的膨大處開窗,順向接入人造支氣管和人造氣管,在右前胸壁造口引出人造氣管,人造氣管的體外端設置可控的單向氣門,人造支氣管和人造氣管為吸氣的單向通道,自身的上呼吸道為呼氣的單向通道。本專利技術的減少呼吸殘氣的上呼吸道分離再造術,以手術植入的人造氣管和人造支氣管取代自身上呼吸道的進氣功能,使術者在吸氣過程中避除口腔或鼻腔、氣管、支氣管等大口徑氣道殘氣,實現部分的呼吸氣體單向流動,一是可使靜息狀態吸入的新鮮空氣增加三分之一以上,或者說使患者呼吸代嘗功能提高百分之三十以上。二是其人造氣管體外端單向氣門的設置,使呼氣過程仍由自身上呼吸道完成,較少影響患者的發音和語言功能。三是肺泡及各級支管產生的分泌物由具纖毛推排、咳嗽等生理功能的自身通道排出,能夠保持人造氣管、人造支氣管的暢通和清潔。四、附圖說明:圖1為減少呼吸殘氣的上呼吸道分離再造 ...