The invention belongs to the technical field of boiler combustion process monitoring in a thermal power plant, in particular to a real-time monitoring system for coal burning heat input into a furnace and a monitoring method thereof. The use of modern engineering thermal physics algorithm of this system, the use of modern computer technology, the establishment of the boiler combustion monitoring, which are respectively connected with the system bus engineer and operator station, the engineer station and operator station respectively through system bus and DCS power generation unit is connected to the server computing department system, the real-time monitoring system is connected DCS system through Ethernet and generating units, and obtain the real-time calculation of the data from the data bus DCS system of power plant, real-time calculation of data through the OPC protocol to send data to the bus for the operator station and engineer station call. After the operation of the coal heat monitoring system of the heating furnace of the present invention, it can guide the operators of the power plant to monitor the heat in the furnace in time and accurately, adjust the combustion of the boiler, and ensure the stable, efficient and safe operation of the unit.
當前,我國電力行業正在由計劃經濟體制逐步向市場經濟體制過渡,發電企業一方面面臨廠網分開、競價上網的電力市場競爭,另一方面由于能源緊張導致煤價上漲,進一步加大了發電企業的生產成本。因此發電企業迫切要求挖掘機組運行的潛力,提高機組運行效率,降低生產成本,提高企業競爭能力。目前,對我國的大部分火力發電廠而言,由于煤種變化大,燃用煤質普遍較差,再加之鍋爐實際運行中,設備改造、變負荷運行、熱力實驗間隔時間長等原因,存在鍋爐燃燒達不到最佳的現象。燃煤發熱量是煤種的核心參數,燃煤發熱量直接影響到機組的高效和穩定運行,煤炭的摻燒造成煤炭的發熱量不斷變化,摻燒的比例較難以控制,造成入爐發熱量多變,經常造成鍋爐熄火,目前缺乏有效的入爐燃煤發熱量實時在線測試手段。煤種化驗數據由于取樣和摻燒的原因,往往偏離實際數據,并且存在滯后性,對運行指導意義不強。因此迫切需要通過實時監視入爐燃煤發熱量等核心參數來指導優化運行,在一定范圍內提高機組安全性、經濟性和環保性能。目前關于燃燒監測的研究多集中在火電機組在線監測,如SIS系統:主要基于對現場DCS數據采集和分析,但未對發熱量進行實時計算和數據輸出。近階段國內多個發電廠家安裝昂貴但并不可靠的分析儀表,如煙氣排放物成分儀表來監測鍋爐燃燒后組份,這對現場的測控儀表有較高的要求,不符合中國的實際國情。同時,采用一些通用技術,缺乏對鍋爐本體差異針對性處理。另外,國外的鍋爐燃燒優化控制系統缺少本地化的開發,培訓和服務也不到位,難以適應 ...