The invention discloses a hand-operated rotary household dishwasher bowl bar structure, which is composed of a cylindrical barrel body, a cylindrical bowl bar, a rotating shaft, the rotating handle and a drain outlet: that is using a cylindrical bowl bar is rotated to drive the internal cylindrical bar is placed in the bowl dishes stored in the internal rotation of the cylindrical barrel body wash the water to flow back and forth for washing dishes. The invention has the advantages that the simplified structure of a dishwasher, saving the dishwasher manufacturing cost, solve the complicated degree of the dishes, wash the dishes with lower cost, ordinary cleaning agent can save time, energy saving, washing the dishes, because the dishwasher without water pump and rotary spray head, cylindrical bowl bar to rely on reciprocating rotary cleaning of tableware so, the dishwasher is never blocked food residue. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, and is absolutely reliable and practical, and is favorable for popularizing energetically.
本專利技術的目的是提供一種手搖碗欄旋轉式家用洗碗機結構,是一款不采用水泵旋轉噴頭的洗碗機,其目的就是簡化洗碗機結構,節約洗碗機生產制造成本,解決洗碗的繁瑣程度,降低洗碗成本,用普通洗碗劑就能清洗,節水節電,節約洗碗時間,由于該洗碗機沒有水泵和旋轉噴頭,這就是該洗碗機的專利技術技術亮點,所以該洗碗機永遠不會被食物殘渣堵塞,而且適合廣大農村和城市低收入普通老百姓使用。本專利技術的技術方案是這樣的,手搖碗欄旋轉式家用洗碗機結構:由圓柱形桶體、圓柱形碗欄、旋轉軸、活動蓋、旋轉搖柄、排水口等組成。上述圓柱形桶體和圓柱形碗欄的中心點安裝有旋轉軸,用于固定圓柱形碗欄旋轉時不會隨意移位而碰撞到圓柱形桶體內壁。上述活動蓋上設計安裝一旋轉搖柄,上述活動蓋上安裝的旋轉搖柄與圓柱形碗欄之間安裝有活動卡扣,用于洗碗時扣上活動蓋時旋轉搖柄自動卡住圓柱形碗欄,轉動旋轉搖柄時自動帶動圓柱形碗欄旋轉。上述圓柱形桶體上設有排水口,用于排放洗碗水。上述洗碗機結構是利用圓柱形碗欄的旋轉來帶動放置于圓柱形碗欄內部的碗碟旋轉時儲存于圓柱形桶體內部的洗碗水對碗碟進行來回流動沖洗,用于取代現有洗碗機普遍采用的水泵噴淋技術,防止食物殘渣堵塞洗碗機。上述旋轉搖柄改用安裝齒輪并采用智能電動機來帶動圓柱形碗欄旋轉洗碗,省時省 ...