The invention relates to a novel serial linkage type mechanical elastic energy storage box with modular and adjustable capacity, wherein the number of energy storage units and the capacity of each energy storage unit can be matched according to the standard parts. After the selection, the energy storage unit is pushed into the energy storage box body through the energy storage box core shaft and the inner wall rectangular slot of the box body, and fixed screws are fixed on both sides of the mounting position of the energy storage unit. The advantages of the invention are: (1) energy storage system capacity according to the needs and standard configuration; (2) each storage unit has its own package, high security; (3) the storage unit package and storage box adopts a detachable structure, convenient installation, deployment, maintenance and repair capacity energy storage; (4) when the anti reverse design, easy storage system to stop running and non empty storage start; (5) the storage unit core shaft connected with one-way overrunning clutch device can automatically disconnect, to avoid damage to the anti twist reed; (6) energy conversion system power elastic potential energy kinetic energy the power output will be more flexible, good controllability.
機械彈性儲能系統的儲能元件為機械彈性儲能箱,儲能箱內部有若干個儲能單元,儲能單元的儲能介為大型平面蝸卷彈簧,其是由一組簧片在一個平面內盤繞而成,由于要保證一定的儲能容量,所以簧片要有相當的長度、寬度和厚度。以往的機械彈性儲能箱的儲能單元和儲能箱箱體是一體的,簧片兩端直接固定在儲能箱的芯軸和箱體內壁上,非常不方便于安裝和維修,而且大型蝸卷彈簧的內作用力非常大,安裝維修時容易出危險。同時,根據實際應用情況的不同,可能需要的儲能容量是不一樣的,這種情況下需要不同容量的儲能單元以及裝配不同的數量,以往的一體化安裝很難更換。在機械彈性儲能箱投入使用之后,可能一部分簧片在使用過程中損壞,一體化的安裝很難維修,往往整個儲能箱報廢,浪費嚴重。在儲能運行中,常規的串聯聯動機械儲能箱沒有防反轉設計,在儲能過程中萬一電機故障轉矩小于儲能箱反轉矩或消失,儲能箱就有可能帶著電機反轉,非常危險,同時,在儲能系統非空儲啟動時,儲能箱已經有一定的反轉矩,電機啟動要迅速達到或大于儲能箱反轉矩,不然同樣可能導致儲能箱帶著電機反轉,控制復雜,安全性不好。在發電過程中,傳統的串聯聯動式儲能箱的結構決定了彈性勢能-動能-電能的轉化必須同時進行,而且要求電機必須快速抽離儲能箱的動能,理想的情況是儲能單元彈性勢能釋放完畢的同時動能也同時完全轉換成電能,及此時儲能箱箱體轉速被控為零,不然儲能箱箱體就會反擰儲能單元,損壞儲能單元,這種控制 ...