The present invention provides a flame adjustable two cavity flame proof type safety alcohol lamp, including a temporary storage chamber and a flame adjusting cap; a temporary storage chamber of the lamp body wrapped them, the upper part of the lamp body ring side wall is provided with a plurality of guide holes connected in the lamp cavity and the temporary storage chamber via a temporary storage chamber is arranged at the bottom. There are holes; flame adjustable cap screw connected with the lamp cap mouth, flame adjustable top hinged two semicircular flame adjustable door. The flame adjustable two cavity flame proof type safety alcohol lamp is turned over, most of the alcohol homing hole into the temporary storage room, a small part of the alcohol through the through hole and the mouth of the lamp wick gap exudation lamp body, greatly reducing the amount of alcohol leakage, for subsequent processing has set aside ample time to avoid the occurrence of the burning accident caused a short time a large area of alcohol overflow; flame adjustable cap set can achieve the purpose of regulating the flame to extinguish the flame; when the wick is housed in a flame adjusting cap, rotation flame goalkeeper lamp nozzle top space closed, due to lack of oxygen flame extinguished naturally, to extinguish the flame to safety.
本專利技術針對上述問題,提供一種火焰可調兩腔防燃式安全酒精燈。所述火焰可調兩腔防燃式安全酒精燈,包括燈體、燈嘴和燈芯,燈體包括盛裝酒精的中空腔,燈嘴螺紋連接固定于燈體頂部,燈嘴上開有貫通孔,孔內穿有燈芯,所述火焰可調兩腔防燃式安全酒精燈還包括暫儲室和調焰帽;所述暫儲室將燈體包裹其中,燈體上部環側壁開設有若干導孔,導孔連接燈體中空腔和暫儲室,暫儲室底部開設有導出孔,導出孔匹配有堵塞;所述調焰帽螺紋連接套設于燈嘴上,調焰帽頂部固定有與調焰帽軸線相平行的立軸,立軸上鉸接有兩個半圓狀的調焰門。進一步的,所述位于同一高度的導孔軸線均位于一個平面內,該平面垂直于燈體軸線。進一步的,所述燈體上部環側壁沿其高度方向設置有若干層導孔。進一步的,所述調焰帽頂部向外延伸設置有環狀托沿,立軸設置于托沿上。本專利技術所述火焰可調兩腔防燃式安全酒精燈,當不小心將之碰 ...