The present invention relates to the technical field of traditional Chinese medicine, in particular to a traditional Chinese medicine antihypertensive Xingnao pillow, comprising a pillow inner and a pillow, the pillow is arranged in the traditional Chinese medicine mixture, the mixture comprises the following raw materials: a quality of Gastrodia elata 15-25 parts, 15-25, Eucommia 10-18 portions of Radix Astragali, Herba Leonuri, gardenia 10-20, 20-25 10-20, Shi Fu Shen 5-15, cassia 5-15, 10-20 yam, Rehmannia 10-20, licorice dogwood, 10-20 10-20, paeonol 10-20, Alisma 10-20 portions of medlar, 5-10, tortoise shell mountain Mint 5-10 parts, 4-8 parts, 4-8 parts of Guizhi xuduan. Traditional Chinese medicine antihypertensive Xingnao pillow of the invention, the use of pure natural medicine processing mixture in sleep head temperature effective ingredients of the medicine in the pillow slowly out, directly on the skin and mucosa, five sensory organs and nine orifices, into the blood, to the disease, blood gas conditioning, dilation of blood vessels, adjust the viscera function and achieve the aim of reducing blood pressure, at the same time, can promote head blood circulation, dredge the meridians, ease of Qi and blood, regulating the brain nerve, Xingnao anshen.
高血壓病是當代最常見的流行病之一,早期高血壓病人可表現頭痛、頭暈、耳鳴、心悸、眼花、注意力不集中、記憶力減退、手腳麻木、疲乏無力、易煩躁等癥狀,這些癥狀多為高級神經功能失調所致,其輕重與血壓增高程度可不一致。后期血壓常持續在較高水平,并伴有腦、心、腎等器官受損的表現。這些器官受損可以是高血壓直接損害造成的,也可以是間接地通過加速動脈粥樣硬化性疾病產生而造成的。這些器官受損的早期可無癥狀,最后導致功能障礙,甚至發生衰竭。高血壓病的原因與飲食關系密切。由于長時間飲食習慣問題,飲食中脂類過多,醇類過多。同時又沒有合理的運動促進脂類醇類的代謝,導致體內脂類醇類物質逐漸增多,摻雜在血液中,使毛細血管堵塞,隨著時間的推移,脂類醇類物質容易和體內游離的礦物質離子結合,形成血栓。血栓容易在血管的拐角處,或者瓶頸處堆積,鈣化。同時血栓越來越多,使血管直徑縮小。心臟為了保持足夠的供血量,就增加血壓,造成高血壓疾病。如果血壓過高,可能導致血管崩裂,于是產生出血性心腦血管疾病。如果由于堵塞供血不足,即為缺血性心腦血管疾病。治療高血壓的傳統方法是口服降壓藥物,此方法對服藥時間、劑量都有較嚴格的規定,不能隨便停藥,也不能擅自用藥,否則會加重病情,甚至危及生命。而且“是藥三分毒”,長期服藥帶來的副作用很大,特別是腸胃功能脆弱的人群來說,口服降壓藥會導致食欲下降,惡心等癥狀。因此,服藥治療高血壓,既麻煩又不安全。藥枕療法屬中醫外治法范疇,是基于中醫傳統理論,本著陰陽五行、臟腑經絡、生物全息等有關理論,加以逐 ...