The utility model belongs to the technical field of aquaculture, discloses the sturgeon hatching apparatus, including hatching pool and water pool, water pool is located in the side hatch pool, the water inlet channel is arranged between the pool and the water supply tank hatch, the upper hatch pool is provided with a water inlet, a water inlet passage is connected with the water tank, the other end connected with the water inlet at the bottom; sliding hatch pool is connected with 7 10 mesh size, uniform cross-section size and hatching pool of the screen, the screen is connected with two sides of the push rod, the push rod at the top of the top 3 5cm from hatching pool; the bottom of the hatch pool is provided with a water outlet connected with the water outlet channel, inlet passage and a water outlet passage are equipped with a control valve, a water inlet and a water outlet are arranged on the 60 70 objective filter; above the hatch pool is also provided with a pump, the air pump is connected with an air duct, air duct The low end is located in the incubation pool. The utility model solves the problems that the survival rate of the roe is low and the fish eggs are easy to be infected.
鱘魚,是一種鱘形目的魚類,是中國特產的珍貴魚類,具有很高的經濟價值和藥用價值。鱘魚肉味鮮美、骨軟、營養價值高,鱘魚肉和卵的蛋白含量可高達18%和29%,而且鱘魚皮是制作高檔皮革制品的好原料,抗撕裂性、耐靡性、柔韌性可與鱷魚皮媲美。因此當今市場對鱘魚的需求量很大,但是鱘魚的存活率并不高。通常一條母鱘一次可以產百萬粒魚籽,但是成活率只有25%,最后長大的鱘魚更是很少,不能滿足現目前對鱘魚的需求。為了解決上述問題,我國于上世紀九十年代初,開始鱘魚養殖研究,養殖規模發展迅速。通過研究發現,鱘魚受精卵的孵化是鱘魚存活最關鍵的一個步驟,因此專利號為ZL201320524633.3的中國專利提供了一種鱘魚用孵化裝置,包括供水管、孵化槽、排水管以及撥卵裝置,所述供水管用于向所述孵化槽中供水,所述排水管用于排出所述孵化槽中的水,所述撥卵裝置能夠撥動所述孵化槽中的水以使所述孵化槽中的魚卵翻動,所述供水管能夠同時向所述孵化槽的上部和下部供水。本方案通過供水管同時為孵化槽的上部和下部供水,使得孵化槽上部和下部的水都能得到及時交換,新鮮的水質和氧氣能夠更均勻地分布到整個孵化槽中,在保證孵化率的前提下,提高了換水效率,實現了節約用水。而且現有的鱘魚孵化箱均是利用玻璃制成,能夠方便觀察鱘魚的孵化情況。但是,上述現有技術還存在以下問題:1、上述方案通過撥卵裝置對魚卵進行撥動,防止魚卵長時間堆積缺氧死亡,但是利用撥卵裝置進行撥動容易損傷魚卵,導致魚卵死亡,最后使得魚卵的存活率低;2、魚卵在孵化的過程中會產生卵霉病、 ...