A vehicle mounted mobile phone fixing device comprises a fixed installation in a car seat, the box body is provided with a fixed seat above the box body, one side opening between the fixed seat and the bottom of the box body is connected through the damping shaft, the bottom of the box body is fixed number of elongated teeth and fixed magnetic installation at the bottom of the box body, plug in one side of the opening of the box body is provided with a fixed number of iron, long serrated plate bottom end plate can be inserted into the box body, the bottom of the plate and the bottom of the box body can be serrated teeth with each other, the other side of the box body is fixed on the top of the first installation of L type fixed level the first rod rod is fixed at the end of the first installation of arc plate, the other end is fixed type L inserted in the second rod, second fixing rods of the horizontal rod is fixed at the end of the installation of second arc plates. The mobile phone can be fixed in the automobile by the utility model, and can be adjusted according to different mobile phones, so that the mobile phone can be used for different mobile phones.
本技術提供一種車載手機固定裝置,用以解決現有技術中的缺陷。本技術通過以下技術方案予以實現:一種車載手機固定裝置,包括固定安裝在汽車內的固定座,固定座上方設有盒體,盒體其中一側開口,固定座與盒體底部之間通過阻尼軸固定連接,盒體內底部固定安裝數個長條形的鋸齒,盒體底部內固定安裝磁條,盒體的開口一側設有鐵質的插板,插板的底面固定安裝數個長條形的鋸齒,插板的一端能插入至盒體內,插板底部的鋸齒能與盒體內底部的鋸齒相互配合,盒體另一側頂端固定安裝L型的第一固定桿,第一固定桿的水平桿端部固定安裝第一弧形片,插板的另一端固定安裝L型的第二固定桿,第二固定桿的水平桿端部固定安裝第二弧形片,第一弧形片與第二弧形片位于同一水平面上,第一弧形片與第二弧形片的凸面相對。如上所述的一種車載手機固定裝置,所述的插板的另一側開設通孔,通孔內設有豎向的頂桿,頂桿上端穿過通孔,頂桿下端固定安裝固定塊,固定塊的一側固定安裝弧形桿,弧形桿的凸面朝向插板底面,固定塊與插板之間設有彈簧,頂桿穿過彈簧,彈簧始終具有一個向上的推力。如上所述的一種車載手機固定裝置,所述的頂桿上端為弧形結構。本技術的優點是:通過本技術可以將手機固定在汽車內,并能根據不同手機進行調整,可以滿足不 ...