Provides a multifunctional chopping board, with the body, the body is in the shape of a L structure and the body L shaped short side end is provided with a U slot, insert the U slot within the food box arranged outside the main body to receive U shaped dish box and lateral slot with U shape matched with the inserting plate. The body surface of collecting tank chopped vegetables through to the food box on the collection, the food box is provided with a classification box, the box is placed in the classification of the collecting tank and the classification box at the upper edge of the edge of the groove in the collecting tank. The invention is provided with the box with classification food box in the body of L structure, select the appropriate food box or box is convenient for people to use classification when cutting, people can cut vegetables collected, effectively avoid the drop phenomenon, due to the block of chopped vegetables are simple in structure, installation easy to use, bring convenience to people.
本專利技術解決的技術問題:提供一種多功能砧板,通過在L形結構的本體外側安裝帶分類盒的收菜盒,便于人們切菜時選擇適合的收菜盒或分類盒使用,利于人們將切好的菜收集,有效避免了由于砧板上切好的菜較多而出現掉落的現象,結構簡單,安裝使用方便,為人們帶來便利。本專利技術采用的技術方案:多功能砧板,具有本體,所述本體為L形結構且本體L形短邊端面上制有U形槽孔,制于收菜盒外側并與U形槽孔相適配的U形插板插入U形槽孔內將收菜盒安裝于本體外部,所述本體板面上切好的菜通過制于收菜盒上的收集槽收集,所述收菜盒上設有分類盒,所述分類盒下端置于收集槽內且分類盒上端邊沿置于收集槽的槽沿上。其中,所述U形插板插入U形槽孔后收集槽的槽沿低于本體板面。進一步地,所述分類盒內制有長槽且長槽固定有擋板并通過擋板將長槽分隔為多個分類槽。進一步地,所述擋板與分類盒為一體式結構且分類槽上邊沿與本體板面位于同一平面上。本專利技術與現有技術相比的優點:1、通過在L形結構的本體外側安裝的收菜盒和分類盒,利于人們將切好的菜收集,有效避免了由于砧板上切好的菜較多而出現掉落的現象;2、人們可根據所切菜品選擇合適的盒體進行收集,且收菜盒和分類盒安裝拆 ...