The invention discloses a medicine composition for ionized prostate disease prevention and cure, which comprises the following components by weight: 3 Cistanche Morinda 3 20 copies, 20 copies, 30 copies of medlar 3, raspberry 3 dodder 5 20 copies, 20 copies, 20 copies of 3 angelica, Chuanxiong 3 20 copies, 20 copies of 3 Salvia, Polyporus 5 20 copies, 20 copies of 5 Alisma, white mustard 5 licorice 3 20 copies, 10 copies, 5 Zushima Haitongpi 5 20 copies, 30 copies, 30 copies of the 3 ugly white; the traditional Chinese medicine composition prepared Chinese medicine patch paste it in the specified location, wearable instrument, switch wearable physiotherapeutic instrument, can be used for the combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine patch and wearable physiotherapeutic instrument. The invention of the traditional Chinese medicine composition and ionization into the human body through physical therapy instrument, combined with traditional Chinese medicine ultrasound iontophoresis combined with physical shock, electrotherapy and other methods of traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis and physical therapy combined with the convenient and effective treatment, in order to achieve the interaction of the prevention and treatment of impotence and male prostate disease to.
:男性陽痿及前列腺問題已經成為目前困擾全球男性的主要疾病,嚴重影響兩性生活及男性生活質量。雖然西醫在針對這兩類男性疾病方面,所用的治療方法及藥物繁多,但是手術等方法對患者造成損傷較大,并且會有一定的復發幾率;而西藥藥物雖然治療效果較好,但其帶來的副作用也不應被忽視。目前,在治療這兩類男性疾病方面,中藥因其效果顯著、副作用小、基本不會給患者帶來創傷等優點,越來越引起人們的注意。中醫認為這兩種疾病的發生均與濕熱、氣滯、血瘀、臟器虛弱(如心、脾、腎)等情況有關,因此在藥物的配比時,都會在臟器滋補的基礎上,配伍化濕清熱、溫陽益氣,活血化瘀等藥物?,F有技術中用于治療這類男性疾病的中藥組合物較多,如CN102908416B公開的一種治療陽痿的藥方,其組分為:紫梢花、蜈蚣、仙靈脾、紅參、附片、全蝎、白芍、甘草、生龍骨、巴巖香、翠云草、火炭母草根;該藥方可以促進腎精產生,從根本上治療陽痿,療效好,并且無毒副作用。再如CN103223060B公開的一種治療前列腺病的中藥,其組分為:石韋、瞿麥、海金沙、五味子、菟絲子、蛇床子、車前子、地夫子、金櫻子、牛蒡子、蒲公英、地丁、金錢草、通草、沙苑蒺藜;該中藥用于前列腺增生、前列腺炎、前列腺痛,治療見效快,無反復;通過微生物應用在中藥上實現液體發酵,不但去除原藥的毒副作用,而且便于存放、食用方便等。然而,現有大部分中藥都是以口服為主,也有結合物理療法如電療和熱療等進行治療的,較少的是以電 ...