A simple bookshelf, which includes a simple bookshelf bookshelf book, the main body, the main body is erected bookshelf plate, plate and bearing plate connected to the vertical Z shape structure; the upright plate is vertically connected with the bearing plate, the bearing plate away from the vertical plate under the bottom plate of the connecting plate; the support plate has a bearing thickness relative to the horizontal tilt angle beta; the shim plate and the bearing plate is inserted in a dismountable structure; the inserting structure for dovetail inserting structure. The book includes a simple bookshelf structure mentioned above, the book is composed of two of the opposition and set a simple bookshelf. The utility model has the advantages of compact structure, convenient to move, simple structure of the bookshelf is not only books storage capacity is very good, and the inclusion of books and shelves relatively stable structure, easy to neat, the shelves can be used alone, can also be combined together, which enrich the function of books and shelves, its applicability is obtained greatly, also brought great convenience.
本技術的目的是提供一種簡易書架以及書立,它具有結構緊湊,穩定可靠和書籍收納能力強的特點。本技術是這樣來實現的,一種簡易書架,它包括書架主體,其特征在于,該書架主體為由豎立板、承載板和墊板連接而成的豎立Z字形結構。所述豎立板垂直連接承載板,該承載板遠離豎立板的下底面連接墊板。所述墊板的高度支撐使承載板具有相對于水平面的傾斜夾角β。所述墊板與承載板為可拆卸或不可拆卸的插接結 ...