The utility model can be used for an electric sharpener for regulating food, including tool baffle, main body and stable sucker, which is characterized in that the tool has an internal baffle sheet magnet, tool baffle and main body through the fine adjustment knob tightly, and the knife is arranged in the middle of the groove. The width of the knife groove can be adjusted by the micro tuning knob. The micro motor and the battery pack are set inside the main body, and the switch and the charging socket are set on the left and right sides of the main body respectively. The outer end of the motor shaft is cylindrical six diamond, and the grindstone piece is sleeved on the motor shaft, and is fixed and fixed through the grinder slice positioning pin. The angle between the grinder slice and the tool baffle is 4 degrees. Compared with the existing known electric sharpening tools, the utility model adds a cutter stabilizing baffle structure, a grinder slice positioning button structure and a knife slot width fine adjustment knob structure. The integral sharpening device has simple structure, convenient replacement of grinding stones, strong practicability, simple and convenient operation and wide application scope, and is especially suitable for families, kitchen and other industries.
刀是我們日常生活中必不可少的生活用具。刀不磨不快,這是至始以來不變的道理。最傳統的磨刀工具是磨刀石,其效率低、消耗體力大,而且需要掌握磨刀的技巧,這對于現代都市家庭生活中的一般人來說是很難做到這一點的。隨著人們生活水平的提高和生活節奏的加快,人們渴望有省時、省力的工具出現。于是,市場上出現了一種拉式磨刀器,它外型小巧且價廉,但其最大缺點在于難于握持,不好固定,使用時不僅費力,且易傷手,而且刀還磨不快,甚至出現越磨越鈍現象。另外,現有的磨刀器的功能單一,通常一個磨刀器上只設置一種規格的磨刀裝置,只能從一個方向上對刀具進行打磨或者只能打磨某一種刀具,而對于其他類型的刀具則不適用。因此當用戶擁有多種類型的刀具時,用戶必須同時購置不同類型的磨刀器才能對不同的類型的刀具進行打磨,既大大增加了用戶的購置成本,同時過多的磨刀器,也不便于用戶攜帶。目前,有一種電動磨刀器,它是在電機軸上裝一個圓形磨具,當圓形磨具在電機的帶動下高速旋轉時,將刀具刃口放在圓形磨具的圓周表面上磨削即可使刀具刃口變快。該電動磨刀器在磨削刀具時,容易造成刀具刃口磨削不均勻,局部出現過磨現象。并且,刀具無定位裝置,在磨削過程中刀具運動不平穩,進刀時也容易碰刀。因此,使用該電動磨刀器對磨削者的技能有較高要求,不適合家庭使用。中國專利CN2015207186124公開了一種電動磨刀器,不僅外型富有美感,自動化程度高,磨刀效率快,而且還可以改變磨削的角度及寬度,但也有其缺點,首先必須要手壓著刀身來控制刀刃的角 ...