A method for the manufacture of a water purple pottery pot tea pot is made. The hollow conical mouth extending upwards from the center of the bottom should be higher than the teapot mouth and the teapot mouth (the teapot outlet). The diameter of the teapot hollow conical mouth and the mouth of the teapot (usually about 1cm, of course, according to the size of the pot teapot) is consistent, and it is good for the water. The design of the hollow conical conical steam hole of the pot teapot is conducive to the circulation of water (the bottom is a large air vent with large hollow cones, the bottom water is cooled quickly), the aesthetic feeling is increased, and the tea is steamed and the tea is awakened, and the aroma of the tea is preserved better. After the lid of the kettle is covered, the cone is invisible, the hollow tapered mouth and the inner wall of the lid are not touched, and a small hole is not opened on the lid of the teapot.
建水陶瓷源遠流長源遠流長,歷史悠久,是中國陶瓷的重要組成部分。早在3500多年前便出現了原始的制陶業,到漢代已經有了較為完美的陶器,至宋代燒制出成熟的青瓷。從元代到明代,建水青花瓷業進入了百花爭艷的鼎盛時期,成為云南省生產陶瓷的中心,僅次于江西景德鎮,產品遠銷省內外和東南亞,產生了廣泛的影響,被視為我國"國瓷"的一部分。自清代開始,建水又燒制了名聞中外的紫陶,以其別具一格的書畫藝術風格而獨步天下。建水紫陶在解放前即享有盛譽,市場價值頗高,其中尤以向逢春陶器制品價格最高,有"向氏紫陶,價同黃金"之美稱。無論是達官巨豪,還是平民百姓,俱以得到向逢春燒制陶器擺設于家為榮。建水紫陶集書法、繪畫、雕刻、鑲嵌、燒制、磨光等工藝于一身,是中國漢族傳統藝術的一朵奇葩。建水紫陶其特點表現在:1、建水陶陶泥取自境內五彩山,含鐵量高,使成器硬度高,強度大,表面富有金屬質感,叩擊有金石之聲。經無釉磨光,精工細磨拋光,質地細膩,光亮如鏡。有"堅如鐵、明如水、潤如玉、聲如磬"之譽。建水陶的獨特魅力還在于將書畫藝術與雕刻填泥工藝有機的結合在一起。建建水紫陶水陶講究精工細作,尤其注重裝飾,它以書畫鏤刻、彩泥鑲填為主要手段,集書畫、金石、鐫刻、鑲嵌、等裝飾藝術于一身,神形兼備,美輪美奐。建水紫陶的茶壺制作工藝采用了一般茶壺制作方法及外表變化,在茶壺的茶蓋上的不同位置開小孔大小,來保證茶壺的出水好差。開大孔,出水好,但又影響了茶壺外形的美觀,這個尺度只有大師才會更好的把握。此專利技術對此缺點, ...