A germanium purifier is a device in the technical field of water purifier. The device consists of a water outlet, a supporting net frame, a filter net, a germanium particle and a water purifier, which is characterized by the consolidation of the upper end of the outlet of the outlet and the edge of the lower plane of the supporting grid. The filter network is laid on the support of the net frame and the upper part of the outlet nozzle. The thread is screwed into the inner thread of the lower end of the water cylinder body; the water intake of the net tube is consolidated on the water pipe, the net tube is loaded with germanium particles, and when the tap water passes through the gap between the germanium, the particles in the water are attached to the surface of the germanium, and the water can be scoured by the surface of the germanium, and the trace elements of germanium, germanium, are obtained. It can be used as medicine. It has the function of cold blood stop bleeding, anti vomiting, clear fire and liver, and promote the circulation of blood and increase the effect of metabolism. It is obvious that the water flowing out of the germanium water purifier has health care effect on the human body.
中的難題,本專利技術目的是提供一種鍺石凈水器裝置,該裝置具有凈化水中的微粒物,當自來水通過鍺石粒子的間隙時,沖刷鍺石粒,使自來水含有鍺石的多種微量元素,鍺石的多種微量元素能夠促進血液循環、增強新陳代謝,鍺石可入藥、可清肝火。本專利技術所采用的技術方案:鍺石凈水器裝置,是以出水嘴、支撐網架、過濾網、鍺石粒子及凈水筒體所組成,其特征在于:出水嘴是V字形環體,V字形環體的下部是小圓管,V字形環體的上部是一段大圓管,大圓管的外圓設有螺紋,鍺石粒是黑色的多邊形粒子,過濾網是不銹鋼絲編織網;支撐網架是圓形鋼板面上設有多個通孔,凈水筒體是圓筒形體的上方設有連體的人字形體,人字形體的上部是小圓管,小圓管的兩側是連體的掛耳,掛耳是板體,掛耳的中間處是通孔;凈水筒體的下端內管壁上設有內螺紋;鍺石凈水器裝置的構成:出水嘴上端與支撐網架下平面的邊沿進行固結;過濾網鋪放在支撐網架上面;出水嘴的上部外螺紋擰入凈水筒體下端內螺紋上,凈水筒體內裝入鍺石粒子。本專利技術的有益處:鍺石凈水器裝置的凈水筒體內裝入鍺石粒子,當自來水通過鍺石粒子的間隙時,使水中的微粒物附在鍺石粒子表面,可以進行清除;自來水沖刷鍺石粒子表面,使鍺石的微量元素混進自來水中,鍺可入藥,具有涼血止血、降逆止嘔,清火平肝的功效,還能治療高血壓引起的頭暈目眩等癥狀。鍺石的微量元素水對人體有保健作用。附圖說明:圖1是鍺石凈水器裝置的主視剖面結構原理圖。圖2是圖1 ...