The utility model discloses an anti slip jacket wrench, which solves the collapse angle of the screw cap in the industrial technical field, which comprises a ring sleeve body, a ring sleeve inlet, a handle and a blade; the handle is connected with a ring sleeve body, and the inner hollow body of the annular sleeve is a ring sleeve; the annular sleeve is a ring body. It can also be a half ring that is not connected; the blade of the annular sleeve is mounted on the side of the body; the blade base is inlaid with a convex part of the side of the ring body, the knife mouth extends and the blade points to the circle of the ring body, the blade plane is parallel to the direction line of the wrench and the blade is oblique. An antiskid jacket wrench uses the shortcoming of the rigidity of the screw cap of the slide angle, and the stiffer blade is mounted on the ring body, and the blade is inserted with the sleeve imported and inserted into the screw cap, and the screw cap is tightly bitten and can not slide, so that the skid screw is twisted out.
螺絲(外文名:Screw),是利用物體的斜面圓形旋轉和摩擦力的物理學和數學原理,循序漸進地緊固器物機件的工具。螺絲是緊固件的通用說法,日常口頭語。螺絲為日常生活中不可或缺的工業必需品:如照相機、眼鏡、鐘表、電子等使用的極小的螺絲;電視、電氣制品、樂器、家具等的一般螺絲;至于工程、建筑、橋梁則使用大型螺絲、螺帽;交通器具、飛機、電車、汽車等則為大小螺絲并用。螺絲在工業上負有重要任務,只要地球上存在著工業,則螺絲的功能永遠重要。螺絲是千百年來人們生產生活中的共同專利技術,按照應用領域來看,它是人類的第一大專利技術。隨著螺絲的專利技術,扳手也相應地專利技術了出來。扳手是一種常用的安裝與拆卸工具。利用杠桿原理擰轉螺栓、螺釘、螺母和其他螺紋緊持螺栓或螺母的開口或套孔固件的手工工具。扳手通常在柄部的一端或兩端制有夾柄部施加外力柄部施加外力,就能擰轉螺栓或螺母持螺栓或螺母的開口或套孔。使用時沿螺紋旋轉方向在柄部施加外力,就能擰轉螺栓或螺母。扳手通常用碳素結構鋼或合金結構鋼制造。扳手基本分為兩種,死扳手和活扳手。前者指的是已經有固定的數字寫上的扳手,后者就是活動扳手了。1.呆扳手:一端或兩端制有固定尺寸的開口,用以擰轉一定尺寸的螺母或螺栓。2.梅花扳手:兩端具有帶六角孔或十二角孔的工作端,適用于工作空間狹小,不能使用普通扳手的場合。3.兩用扳手:一端與單頭呆扳手相同,另一端與梅花扳手相同,兩端擰轉相同規格的螺栓或螺母。4.活扳手:開口寬度可在一定尺寸范圍內進行調節,能 ...