The invention discloses a parking device that uses urban roads to solve the parking of motor vehicles in the old city. The entrance and exit of the underground garage is set between the mobile and non motorized lanes of the municipal road, and sets the distribution lane of the import and export. The underground parking garage is arranged from the top down to the ground road layer, the underground pipeline layer and the mechanical underground stop. The garage layer is set up on the ground road layer. The entrance and exit of the parking room is set on the distribution Lane between the municipal road and the non motorized lane. The parking platform of the parking room is connected by the elevator in the lift well and the automatic mechanical parking garage. The invention can be used to open up the underground space of the red line of the municipal road surrounding the old city, and to arrange the more intensive and fully automatic mechanical three-dimensional parking garage to solve the parking technical problems of the old urban residents under the premise of satisfying the road function and the reasonable traffic organization.
現有的機動車停車方式主要分為平面停車場及機械式立體停車庫,其中:平面停車根據停車位位置分為道路用地內路側公用停車場,道路用地外建設用地專用或公共停車場;機械式立體停車庫設置在道路外建設用地專用或公共停車場中。(1)平面停車:平面停車均需駕駛員將機動車停至具體車位上。①道路用地內路側停車設置在道路用地內的快速路、主干路菱形立交橋下、輔路路側或次支等級道路路側,受道路用地寬度限制,橋下車輛停放方式主要以垂直式為主,路側車輛停放方式主要以平行式為主。車輛在停放過程中,后車需等待前車停放好后才可繼續通行,對機動車、非機動車通行能力均有一定影響。由于利用市政道路作為機動車通行通道,單位停車設施的用地面積相對較小。②道路用地外建設用地專用或公共停車場設置在道路用地外建設用地中,主要為所屬建設用地服務的專用停車場,也有建設用地性質為停車場用地的公共停車場,可設置為地面停車場或地下停車場等,車輛停放方式主要以垂直式或斜列式為主。單位停車設施需要的用地面積一般較大。(2)機械式立體停車設置在道路用地外建設用地中,分為全自動停車庫與復式停車庫。駕駛員將機動車停至駐車室內即可離開,由搬運設備將機動車搬運至具體車位。單位停車設施需要的用地面積較小。①全自動停車庫具體分為平面移動類、巷道堆垛類、垂直升降類、垂直循環類、水平循環類和多層循環類,多用于新建建設地塊配建停車庫。②復式停車庫具體分為升降橫移類和簡易升降類。升降橫移類多用于既有地下停車場立體停車改造,簡易升降類則多用于停車位緊張的老 ...