The utility model relates to a plug tray for cultivating horticultural seedlings. The base box is provided with a seedling raising trough, and the middle position of the seedling raising trough is provided with a water absorbing trough; the left and right sides of the water absorbing trough are respectively nutrient trough a and nutrient trough b; the four corners of the base box are all provided with color rings; the water absorbing trough is embedded with cotton belt c, and the cotton belt C extends to the outer end of the seedling raising trough; Slot a and nutrient slot B are respectively embedded with cotton belts a and b, and cotton belts a and B extend to the outside of seedling cultivation slot; the utility model adopts a suction slot embedded with cotton belt c, and cotton belt C extends to the outside of seedling cultivation slot; nutrient slot a and nutrient slot B are respectively embedded with cotton belt A and cotton belt b, and cotton belt A and cotton belt B are extended to the outside of seedling cultivation slot. The outer end of the seedling trough, the middle position of the back side of the suction trough is provided with a drain trough, and the lower end of the drain trough is provided with a checking hole, which realizes the manufacture of the hole tray for horticultural seedling cultivation.
育苗就是培育幼苗的意思。原意是指在苗圃、溫床或溫室里培育幼苗,以備移植至土地里去栽種。也可指各種生物細小時經過人工保護直至能獨立生存的這個階段。俗話說“苗壯半收成”。育苗是一項勞動強度大、費時、技術性強的工作。選擇適當的穴盤,選擇好的基質,并正確地填充基質,打孔,將種子均勻播入穴孔的中央,給種子均勻覆蓋,適當澆水。這就完成了工廠化穴盤育苗的第一步工作。穴盤越小,穴盤苗對土壤中的濕度、養分、氧氣、PH值、EC值的變化就越敏感。而穴孔越深,基質中的空氣就越多,就有利于透氣、淋洗鹽分以及透氣,有利于根系的生長。基質至少要有5mm的深度才會有重力作用,使基質中的水分滲下,空氣進入穴孔越深,含氧量就越多。穴孔形狀以四方倒梯形為宜,這樣有利于引導根系向下伸展,而不是象圓形或側面垂直的穴孔中那樣根系在內壁纏繞。較深的穴孔為基質的排水和透氣提供了更有利的條件。有些穴盤在穴孔之間還有通風孔,這樣空氣可以在植株之間流動。使葉片干爽,減少病害,干燥均勻,保證整盤植株長勢均勻。穴盤的顏色也影響著植株根部的溫度。一般冬春季選擇黑色穴盤,因為可以吸收更多的太陽能,使根部溫度增加。而夏季或初秋,就要改為銀灰色的穴盤,以反射較多的光線,避免根部溫度過高。而白色穴盤一般透光率較高,會影響根系生長,所以很少選擇白色穴盤。當然白色的泡沫穴盤可以例外。經過徹底清洗并消毒的穴盤,亦可以重復使用,推薦使用較為安全的季銨鹽類消毒劑,也可以用于灌溉系統的殺菌除藻,避免其中細菌和青苔滋生。不建議用漂白粉或氯氣進行消毒,因為氯會同穴盤中的 ...