A bag feeding packaging machine includes a support frame. The bag feeding packaging machine also includes a large cylinder seat, a large gear, a rotating shaft, a rotating shaft driving mechanism, a positioning disk and at least one vacuum bag sucking mechanism. The large cylinder seat is mounted on the support frame, and the large gear is fixed at the front end of the large cylinder seat, and the rotating shaft is mounted. In the large cylinder seat, the rear end of the rotatable shaft is connected with the rotatable shaft driving mechanism, the positioning disk is installed at the front end of the rotatable shaft, the vacuum bag suction mechanism is installed on the positioning disk, and the vacuum bag suction mechanism is connected with the big gear through the gear group. The utility model adopts a large gear to drive the positioning shaft of the vacuum sucker to rotate through a gear group, so that the vacuum sucker can be designed to move to the exit of the finishing mechanism and face the finishing mechanism directly, so as to remove the small packaging bag of the outlet of the finishing mechanism, and the vacuum sucker can move vertically downward when it moves to the appropriate position, so as to facilitate the operation of the vacuum sucker. Put down the small bags and fold them.
市面上流通的食品或藥品,很多都需要包裝成小包裝袋,然后再次裝入大的外包裝容器(包裝袋或包裝盒)內,這種結構具有很多好處。主要體現在:能夠更好地保護食品或藥品,延長食品或藥品的保存期;外包裝容器能夠更好地保護食品或藥品的外觀質量,產生一定的經濟效益,而食品或藥品在整個流通過程中,要經過搬運、裝卸、運輸和儲藏,容易造成食品或藥品外觀質量的損傷,食品或藥品經過內、外包裝后,就能更好的保護食品或藥品,以免造成損壞。采用小包裝袋能夠更好地保護食品或藥品的原有品質,延長食品或藥品的保存期。食品或藥品在整個流通過程中,它的質量可能因為種種原因會發生變化和變壞。比如,食品或藥品本身具有一定的有效成分和水份,這是細菌、霉、酵母等生產繁殖的基本條件,當食品或藥品保存的溫度適合它們繁殖時,便致使食品或藥品腐敗變質。如果食品或藥品采用無菌包裝或包裝后進行高溫殺菌、冷藏等處理,就會防止食品或藥品腐敗現象的發生,延長了食品或藥品的保存期。同時,食品或藥品本身具有一定的水份,當這些水份的含量發生變化時,都會導致食品或藥品味道的變化或變壞。如果采用相應的防潮包裝技術就能防止上述現象的發生,也有效地延長了食品或藥品的保存期。再有,食品或藥品在流通時,受到日光和燈光的直接照射時,及在高溫時,都易使食品或藥品發生氧化、變色、變味等現象,如采用相應的真空包裝、充氣包裝等技術和相應的包裝材料,同樣也能有效地延長包裝食品的保存期。而將食品、藥品采用多個小包裝袋分別包裝,即使 ...