U-shaped runner inclined top demoulding mechanism of automobile middle net mould includes fixed and movable die compound plate, runner frame is set under fixed die compound plate, material nozzle is connected under runner frame, fixed die frame is installed under runner plate, foot of movable die compound plate is installed with movable die frame, gap between movable die frame and fixed die frame is formed into mould cavity, injection molding is formed in mould cavity. The ejector pin plate is set between the die feet, and the ejector pin is connected on the ejector pin plate. The ejector pin passes through the moving template and contacts the product. On one side of the product, there is a buckle. The ejector pin plate is provided with an inclined ejector sliding seat, and the inclined ejector rod is connected with an inclined ejector rod. The inclined ejector pin passes through the moving die frame. The head of the inclined ejector The inner side is matched with the inverted buckle, and the outer side of the inverted insert is matched with the fixed die frame. The U-shaped shunt channel is arranged on the fixed die frame located on the outer side of the inverted insert. The material nozzle extends into the fixed die frame and connects with the U-shaped shunt channel. The U-shaped shunt channel semi-surrounds the inverted insert block and connects with the die cavity.
本技術的目的是為了克服已有技術的缺點,提供一種采用斜頂脫模結構,U字型繞彎分流進膠,成本省,能耗小,生產效率高的汽車中網模具U字型流道斜頂脫模機構。本技術汽車中網模具U字型流道斜頂脫模機構的技術方案是:包括模具定模復板和動模復板,定模復板下安裝流道板,流道板中設置流道架,流道架下連接料嘴,流道板下安裝定模框,動模復板上安裝模腳,模腳上安裝動模框,動??蚺c定??蛑g的間隙構成模腔,模腔中有注塑成型的產品,模腳之間設置頂針板,頂針板上連接頂針,頂針穿過動模板與產品相接觸,產品的一側制有倒扣,其特征在于所述的頂針板上設置斜頂滑座,斜頂滑座上連接斜頂桿,斜頂桿穿過動???,斜頂桿的頭部設置倒扣鑲塊,倒扣鑲塊內側與倒扣相配合,倒扣鑲塊外側與定??蛳嗯浜?,所述位于倒扣鑲塊外側的定??蛏显O置U字型分流道,料嘴伸入定模框中與U字型分流道相連通,U字型分流道半包圍倒扣鑲塊,并與模腔相連通。 ...