The present invention relates to an integrated control and management method of maple diseases and insect pests, which includes the following methods: (1) plant control; (2) physical control of diseases and insect pests: first, installing solar energy insecticide lamp to trap and kill diseases and insects; second, inserting yellow sticky insect board to trap and kill diseases and insects; third, hanging sex attractant to trap and kill diseases and insects; and third, chemical control of diseases and insect pests. (4) Comprehensive control: Applying organic fertilizer to disease-resistant and healthy body: Applying 20-23 kg organic fertilizer every 60-80 m2 in Maple planting area. Through the method of the invention, the control effect of the main diseases and insect pests of maple tree is more than 95%, and the control effect is increased by 30-35%. The use of non-toxic insecticidal inhibitors and smoke fumigants to eliminate diseases and insect pests has better environmental protection effect, and the economic, social and ecological benefits are remarkable.
本專利技術的目的在于提供一種槭樹病蟲害綜合防治管理方法,以便更好地針對槭樹病蟲害予以防治,以便能夠更好地改善槭樹病蟲害防治效果,改善槭樹成長環境。為了實現上述目的,本專利技術的技術方案如下。種槭樹病蟲害綜合防治管理方法,具體包括以下方法:(1)植物防治病蟲害,具體為:一是取櫻桃樹葉、雷公藤、水蓼、蛇床子、紅柳、百部、馬拉硫磷對瓜、花香樹粉末、魚腥草、無患子果、菖蒲、苦豆草、豬籠草粉碎后過200~400目篩;然后將過篩后的混合物加水煮沸熬制30~40分鐘后,再加水調配成密度為1.1~1.4g/ml的無毒植物滅蟲劑,每隔20天在槭樹種植區內噴灑;二是與噴灑植物殺蟲劑同日,每隔20天,在槭樹種植區內每100~120m2內選一處清理出3~5m2的空地;取常青藤、苦楝樹葉、 ...