The invention relates to a crank eccentric high-efficiency engine, which designs the connecting rod journal of the crankshaft as an eccentric big circle. When the crank arm of the crankshaft drives the piston to do the compression stroke to the top dead center of the cylinder, the eccentric circle of the connecting rod journal of the crankshaft gradually turns to the high position during the rotation of the crank arm from the angle of 0 \u00b0 to the angle of 45 \u00b0 to make up for the height of the descending of the crank arm, so as to make the piston stay at the top dead center of the cylinder The pressure and temperature in the cylinder remain the same. When the crank arm is turned to an angle of 45 \u00b0, the engine will ignite and push the crank arm which has been changed to a long range, so that the engine force on the piston in the rotation range of 45 \u00b0 - 145 \u00b0 is increased by about 25% at each point of the crank arm; the effective conversion rate of the energy of the power stroke is increased to about 80%, which is generally higher than that of the traditional engine The conversion rate of machine energy is more than doubled.
大家公知的曲軸是廣泛用于將直線運動轉換為圓周的機械中,在往復式活塞發動機中更堪稱為完美結合;根據現有資料表明內燃機汽缸里活塞上力的大小是由產生膨脹氣體的體積與做功前缸體空間的比值,在上止點上它的空間體積基數最小需要膨脹氣體的量相對較小就能獲得較大的作用力,當活塞開始運動后曲軸由0°—145有效做功只有60%,而其它40%的做功都轉變成了連桿對軸瓦的摩擦力而做無用功,曲軸傳動也只有在90°一個點上能把做功完全傳遞到曲軸上,其它的任何點都存在做或多或少的無用功,但在90°這個點上缸體的空間體積比活塞在上止點上增大了5倍;在曲軸0——145°的轉動中活塞的運動將造成缸體空間的逐漸增大,也就是大量的膨脹氣體所做的無用功的空間會轉變成軸瓦對曲軸的摩擦力;而活塞需要運動到下止點后又返回到上曲軸575°的圓周變活塞直線運動自身消耗掉的有用功,這時曲軸上的所有動力功又要在轉換中損失60%多,它比做功時的損失40%還要多,可見曲軸傳動在進行力的互換中自身損失造成的能量損失可以達到80%以上,實際力的能量轉換在20%左右,往復式內燃機浪費的力根源就在力的傳遞和轉換上;從目前公布較新的兩項專利技術——活塞暫留、延遲點火高效發動機能完美解決這一個缺陷,它采用了液壓頂伸和凸輪自動頂伸方式使連桿在0度到45度夾角轉動過程中逐漸變長以抵消曲軸臂的下降高度(為連桿長度的25%左右),讓活塞在氣缸上止點停留使得氣缸內的壓強和溫度不變,待曲軸臂轉到45°度夾角時發動機點火,可然氣體 ...
1.一種曲軸偏心式高效發動機,其特征是,是把曲軸的連桿軸頸設計為偏心的大圓 ,點火位置設置在曲軸臂與活塞方向成正45度夾角。/n