A split combined microwave heating smelting reduction furnace, furnace is mainly composed of combination of I and II, III, IV, hob, product box, main airway, outlet pipe, dust hopper, nitrogen cylinder, ladder, low temperature smelting reduction furnace, temperature in the smelting reduction furnace, high temperature smelting reduction furnace, water cooling mechanism, microwave heater, double insulation hopper, electromagnetic pneumatic discharge valve, electric control box, using a split combination type, vertical, six prism tower design, with a set of four independent airway furnace as the center of symmetry, the furnace body is provided with a feed hopper, low-temperature roasting furnace, in roasting furnace, high-temperature roasting furnace, furnace product box, each separate independent combination of whole furnace, furnace, circulating operation, electric control box by the micro computer control function of the furnace, set machine, electricity, water, gas, furnace in one, the production efficiency Compared with the prior art, the utility model can be improved by 4-6 times, and the baking and reducing quality of the metal oxide powder material is improved. The utility model has the advantages of advanced design, reasonable layout and convenient operation.
本技術涉及一種分體組合式微波加熱焙煉還原爐,屬金屬冶煉 制取設備的
隨著金屬礦產資源的開采,經過選礦得到的金屬氧化物粉狀原料日 益增多,為金屬冶煉提供粉狀原料已成了十分重要的工序,目前對金屬氧化物粉狀原料的處理以微波加熱固相還原法為優, 一般需要IOOO'C以上的溫度o目前,微波加熱還原設備大都為單一的加熱還原,不能連續進行的 從低溫到高溫的加熱焙煉還原冶煉,這就給金屬氧化物粉狀原料的加熱 還原造成了很多困難,主要是由于微波加熱還原設備內部結構的不合理造成的,例如 一爐多次調溫,在高溫下在同一爐腔內不斷加入冷料, 使爐體耐火材料在急冷急熱狀態下產生裂紋,導致爐體爐腔使用壽命短; 微波加熱過程中產生的熱點導致金屬粉料的熱量不均勻,容易出現燒結 現象;冷料與熱料由于密度差別,混合后不能按時間順序加熱;由于這 些弊端使得現有微波加熱設備不能進行大規模的生產,使金屬氧化物粉 料加熱焙煉還原的質量和效率都受到了影響。
專利技術目的本技術的目的就是針對現有技術的不足,設計一種分體組合式、 豎式多層微波加熱焙煉還原爐,每一個單體爐為獨立加熱還原焙煉,組 合各爐循環作業,每一爐體均由進料斗、低溫爐、中溫爐、高溫爐組成, 從低溫到高溫、逐層連續加熱還原,有效防止爐體忽冷忽熱及爐料燒結 現象,進行分體循環煉制,達到提高爐體壽命,大幅度提高焙煉還原質 量和效率的目的。技術方案本技術主要結構由組合爐i、組合爐n、組合爐m、組合爐 iv、爐架、產物箱、主體氣道、出氣管、塵料箱、氮氣瓶、工作梯、低 溫焙煉還原爐、中溫焙煉還原爐、高溫焙煉還原爐、水冷機構 ...