The utility model relates to a large ammonia refrigeration equipment centralized control system on a construction site, relating to the field of distributed control system (DCS), which belongs to the field of large-scale equipment combination control and application. The utility model is mainly composed of an industrial computer, a programmable controller PLC, an intelligent temperature controller, a temperature sensor and a system module. The industrial computer through the RS232 interface and programmable controller PLC connected programmable controller PLC through the switch or analog I / O interface connected with a refrigerating unit; intelligent temperature control table through the temperature sensor is connected with the refrigeration unit, the computer connected through RS 485 interface and industrial system; module through a system bus and industrial computer in the CPU chip. The system can control the operation of the ammonia refrigeration unit to complete the control, monitoring, parameter setting, automatic defrosting control of refrigeration system; also has on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis, emergency response function, avoid the equipment damage and accident normality; original fault and manual control of the rate, the failure rate is significantly reduced more than 90%.
本技術屬分布式控制系統(DCS)領域,特別是一種施工現場大型氨制 冷設備的集中控制系統。
隨著制冷機組在技術上的不斷應用與發展,自動控制系統己經成為制冷機組 的重要組成部分,尤其是微機系統的引入與發展,使制冷機組的控制更加簡單、 可靠、完善。特別是在大型施工現場,制冷系統的各類設備機組盡管有的也備有 部分的程序控制甚至微機控制,但是大部分制冷系統仍然采用分散式手動控制, 導致制冷設備多、結構復雜。例如有的制冷系統中僅設備控制量可達一百多種, 使制冷系統操作煩瑣、不安全隱患多,不僅增加了工作量而且各類設備的運行情 況不能正確地及時地反映出來。以云南景洪左岸水電站大型施工現場為例,由于 該地屬于亞熱帶地區,氣溫炎熱,為了滿足混凝土施工溫控要求,施工單位采用了制冷能力iooo萬大卡的制冷系統一套,該系統分為一次骨料風冷系統、二次 拌和風冷系統、制冰系統等三大系統。整個制冷系統各類設備數量達92臺,溫 度檢測的溫度點達到32個部位,系統設備分散,無論從控制角度還是設備管理 和監控角度,工作強度和難度都是相當大,每班配置人員18-20人,采用現場方 式手動控制和監控,由于整個系統龐大而分散,時常容易出現誤操作和事故,并 且不利于整個系統設備飽和性的投入生產狀態。本技術目的就是把現場分散的手動操作的大型制冷設備機組組合起來, 在中央集中控制室,利用計算機和輔助監控與操作手段,可以對整個制冷系統進 行控制和監控,及時全面了解整個制冷系統的工作狀況;不僅大大提高工作效率, 而且保證安全保護系統、能量調節系統的正常運行。
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